October 2023
Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council on 17/10/2023
Cllr M Stamp (Chair), Cllr D Pattison (Vice Chair), Cllr P Dawson, Cllr J Padley, Cllr G Dennis, , Cllr A Miller and Cllr P Sexton
Also Present: Mrs A Harrison (Clerk)
Visitors:- Cllr E Bennett (Market Rasen Town Council) and two members of the public
Chair opened the public forum
The members of the public brought the issue of cars speeding along Manor Drive and North Street when they are riding their horses. They also mentioned that the road is used by children walking to school and cycling. There have also been incidents of pets being hit by cars. They would like more signage to slow vehicles down such as more 30mph signs and beware horse riders on road signs. It was suggested that a petition be drawn up to collect parishioners’ signatures to take to LCC to look at reducing the speed to 20 mph on the village back roads and more signage. The Council agreed that Cllr’s Sexton and Miller will draw up the petition and arrange the collection of signatures. It was also suggested to arrange a write up in the Community Spirit to bring this issue to the parishioners.
Chair opened the Parish Meeting
1. Apologies for Absence – Cllr O’Connor and Cllr A Longmate
Resolved: That apologies be accepted from above members of the Council
2. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Localism Act:- none
3. Notes of last meeting on 19th September 2023, to be approved as minutes:-
Resolved: Notes be signed as a true record.
4. Chair and Council’s Comments:-
- Cllr Stamp brought the issue of fly tipping on Stockmoor Lane to the Council. There have been three instances in the last month which have been cleared by WLDC. WLDC have also placed notices on the Lane warning against fly tipping and the fines imposed if caught. Cllr Stamp also informed the council that a motion activated battery camera could be placed in the area at an approximate cost of £250.00. This footage could be passed to WLDC to allow them to prosecute. This is to be discussed at November’s Meeting.
- Cllr Dawson, in relation to speeding on Manor Drive/North Street, requested we ask LCC for “Beware Horses” and “Mind Children” signs to be placed along the roads. Clerk to contact LCC.
- Various issues have also been raised on traffic issues on North Street and Church Street due to parents dropping off and picking up their children at the primary school. Cllr Dennis suggested we request a police presence at school times to observe the parking issues around the primary school. Cllr Pattison commented that the parents leave their cars running in cold weather sending toxic fumes into the air. Cllr Dawson suggested writing to the school and requesting they contact parents to ask them to be more considerate where they park and not leave motors running. Clerk to contact the Primary School Head.
- Cllr Dennis informed the Council that the water is still running down Mill Lane, this is being looked into but needs chasing again as the weather is turning cold and will cause a freezing issue. Clerk to chase.
- Cllr Sexton mentioned the increase in ASBO at the new Village Hall play area and it was suggested fitting a CCTV Camera, this will be discussed at the November Meeting.
- Cllr Sexton informed the Council that the bench on North Street near Mallowfield is damaged. Clerk to contact Mr Robinson to arrange fixing
- Clerk to contact WLDC to arrange for the Road Sweeper to clean the roads.
- The drain on North Street next to the Vicarage is blocked, Clerk to report on Fix My Street
- The wooden bus stop on Gainsborough Road needs cleaning, Clerk to contact Green Dolphin to arrange.
5. Reports from District and County Councillors:
WLDC Matters:
- Fly Tipping - In addition to the recent two incidents of fly tipping off Stockmoor Lane there have been several other cases in the parish during the last year – notably on Lincoln Lane, A631 opposite the Treatment Works, Mill Lane out towards Buslingthorpe and on the road out of the village towards Osgodby. In all cases WLDC operatives check through the material for identifying marks and report through if they can. They are also interested in using any information that can be given by residents – verbal, pictorial and or video. WLDC continually monitor all the known sites and collect waste when they come across it. They have put up signage and are considering the Parish Council’s request to place cameras in the area.
- Lancaster Drive - Two/Three residents have complained that the building work on the new bungalow behind their property is starting before 8am etc. WLDC environment team are following this up with the builders
- Emergency Plan - Snow clearing and basic flood defence equipment have been ordered. As the winter sets in a meeting of the group will be held to sort out logistics.
- Crime - SB, who is sleeping rough, has been served with an appropriate antisocial order by WLDC. Magistrates need to take this into account when considering a custodial sentence – assuming he gets to court.
- The shop lifting concerns, mentioned at the last meeting, have been fed into police intelligence. They are unable to take any action as a formal complaint has yet to be made.
LCC Matters:
- Church Street Pothole - Fix My Street 462335. The work has definitely been scheduled into the programme. The job has proved to be more difficult than expected. I have asked for detailed information but as yet have heard nothing.
6. Crime and Vandalism
- Clerk informed the Council that the Police Website latest statics showed 65 reported crimes in the Market Rasen Area for August
- Correspondence received from Insp Mike Head on Policing Changes shared with the Council
- Cllr Pattison informed the Council of mindless vandalism at the new Village Hall play area. Six/seven youths are known to be involved and he would like to see a police presence in the area especially at weekends.
Cllr P Sexton left the Meeting
7. Clerks Report on Matters Outstanding:-
- Highways contacted to cut back the grass/hedgerow at the junction of Lincoln Lane with Gainsborough Road – Works completed
- Owner of land adj to Willoughby House contacted to cut back hedging
- Mr C Robinson instructed to repair the box around the standpipe in the graveyard
- H R Bourn contacted requesting an inspection report be carried out on the buildings at Stockmoor Lane. They have also been asked again to make the buildings secure to prevent vagrants using them to sleep in and also to cut back the hedges around the property
We note the Council would like an inspection report on the buildings as they are concerned with the deterioration of the buildings and the rough sleepers. We would like to have the Council’s backing to put in planning permission to convert the buildings into residential dwellings as this would help to resolve all your current issues now and for the future and make the area more sightly, safe, and secure. We look forward to hearing your thoughts – Cllr Dawson mentioned that the parish was behind the previous application in around 2010, but it was declined at WLDC. What is the new planning we will put forward our thoughts
- Correspondence sent to Sir Edward Leigh, the Police Chief Constable and the Police Commissioner asking to take the issues of increased crime and lack of a police presence to the Home Secretary to look at fair funding policing for Lincolnshire
- Contact made with SES regarding water bills for the standpipe in the graveyard
- Comments on planning application 147267, Land adj Heath Court, passed to planning requesting information on the drainage strategy, concerns on flooding onto Church Street and provision of extra facilities i.e., a play area. The Parish has also received the following correspondence from two parishioners on this application:
- I have been in contact with Cllr Bunney, he has kindly passed on your contact details to me. I am emailing with regards to a recent planning application that has been submitted under reference 147267, to build 10 dwellings adjacent to Heath Court, located at the top of Church Street in Middle Rasen. I live within Heath Court and have what I consider to be some significant concerns with the proposed plan, particularly in terms of planning creep, surface water flooding, and being overlooked by the proposed new dwellings. I was wondering what sort of appetite the parish council has for discussing these concerns with local residents. I would be happy to meet with parish council members to discuss these concerns. I have also written a first draft of a document that I intend to submit to the planning committee, which I would be happy to share with the parish council if this we're to be deemed appropriate and relevant.
- May I place on record several observations particularly associated with the proposed discharge of surface water from the land adjacent to Heath Court (Appn 147267) and, what has not been mentioned anywhere, as far as I am aware, the route the increased flow of water will take as it travels and enters the River Rase alongside Naylor’s Drive
· The concerns expressed by the Parish Council have been noted, and comments made by the Environment Agency and Anglian Water have also been noted with some concern
- The Development Plan indicates that surface water will be directed to and enter the village Main Drain/dyke along the south and eastern boundary of the development and then, not shown on their planning maps, but should in my opinion, be a matter of concern to the Parish Council, flow into the River Rase passing across the field at The Chestnuts, and to the rear of Naylor’s Drive
- The water passes from The Chestnuts underneath the public footpath and then continues behind the houses on Naylors Drive.
- This village drain can only flow freely if it is maintained on a regular basis, in particular the section at the rear of The Chestnuts that passes underneath the public footpath and on behind Naylors Drive to enter the River Rase.
- Consideration should also be given to how water will be able to flow into the River Rase when it is in full flow or at a high level. I am not aware of any consultation or documents that take this into account eg by Environment Agency, Shire Internal Land Drainage Board, or Anglian Water
- Water flows from my land into my dyke, I am aware of a landowner’s responsibility to maintain a dyke.
- The Proposed Development plan explains how water may be discharged from the development site BUT it is important that consideration is also given, and action taken, to ensure that the water can flow freely through to the River Rase. No mention is made of the impact this may have upon other land having dykes flowing into the village drain/dyke. If this is not taken account of, and dykes cleared, then the impact will continue to cause flooding.
- Finally, who is, and will be, responsible for the ongoing maintenance of the village drain/dyke running from Heath Court and along its length to the River Rase.
- I have been resident in Middle Rasen all my lifetime and have witnessed flooding on many occasions.
- Email sent to Planning Office passing on Councils concerns on lack of detail on site maps on location of applications in relation to village
The requirements for a valid planning application are set out within Government legislation (see article 7(1)(c) of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure (England) (Order) 2015, as amended). An applicant need only provide “a plan which identifies the land to which the application relates” and “any other plans, drawings and information necessary to describe the development which is the subject of the application” although they “must be drawn to an identified scale and, in the case of plans, must show the direction of North.” If it meets this basic criteria, we will have to accept the plans as being “valid”.
Government Guidance does however state that “A location plan should identify sufficient roads and/or buildings on land adjoining the application site to ensure that the exact location of the application site is clear.” Whilst this is guidance, and not a requirement, if you do view a plan which you feel does not adequately achieve this, please do raise it within the Parish Council’s representations, or speak with the dedicated planning case officer. If they agree, they may then go back to the applicant to request a clearer drawing
8. Planning:-
Planning Granted:-
146569 – The Watermill, Low Church Road, Middle Rasen, LN8 3TY
Planning application to replace 6no. windows on the south elevation – granted with time limits and conditions
146896 – Willoughby House, Gainsborough Road, Middle Rasen, LN8 3JR
Planning application to erect rear glazed orangery, install wrought iron victorian balconies, conversion of outbuildings into habitable space and boundry treatments including fence and walls – granted with time limits and conditions
9. Correspondence:-
LCC TTRO – North Street (between 100m and 150m East of Church Street) 23-27 October
Town and Parish Council September Newsletter
LALC E-news 15/09 (update), 29/09 and 13/10
WLDC Polling Review
Mr Beer Website statistics for September
10. Finance and Accounts for Payment
Income:- HSBC Interest £ 75.49
Andrew Gibson £ 600.00
Green Grass Contracting £ 75.00
Lincolnshire Landscapes £ 625.00
Viking Direct £ 145.72
A Harrison £ 572.75
Resolved: All Invoices passed for payment on 17th October 2023
11. Reports from meetings: none
12. To Review Budget for 2023
Budget sheet provided prior to meeting for information
Proposed by Cllr Stamp and seconded by Cllr Dawson
Resolved: That the budget is on track with proposed amounts
13. To Discuss and Resolve on Proposed Budget and Estimate Precept for 2024-25
Proposed by Cllr Stamp and seconded by Cllr Pattison
Resolved: That the precept stays the same at £19000.00
14. To Discuss Purchasing and Planting of Spring Bulbs
Proposed by Cllr Stamp and seconded by Cllr Dennis
Resolved: That the Council wait until the December Meeting to discuss
15. Items for next meeting
16. To Discuss the purchase of security cameras for Stockmoor Lane and Village Hall
17. To Discuss and Resolve Donation to British Legion Poppy Appeal
There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.35pm.