December 2023
Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council on 19/12/2023
Present:- Cllr D Pattison (Vice Chair), Cllr P Dawson, and Cllr G Dennis
Also Present: Mrs A Harrison (Clerk)
1. Apologies for Absence – Cllr M Stamp, Cllr M O’Connor, Cllr A Longmate, Cllr A Miller, Cllr P Sexton, and Cllr S Bunney (WLDC)
Resolved: That apologies be accepted from above members of the Council
2. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Localism Act:- none
3. Notes of last meeting on 21st November 2023, to be approved as minutes:-
Resolved: Notes be signed as a true record.
4. Chair and Council’s Comments:-
- Cllr Dennis commented on the blocked drain at the post office causing standing water at the junction and damage to the road surface – Clerk to report to highways again
- Cllr Dawson informed the Council the cars that are parking on the pavement on the junction of Low Church Road and Gainsborough Road are not only obstructing other roads users view at the junction but are causing damage to the kerbs – Clerk to report to highways
- Cllr Pattison mentioned that the West End of North Street is full of potholes – Clerk to report to highways
5. Reports from District and County Councillors
WLDC Matters:
- Emergency Response / Plan: Progress is being made on writing the new plan and purchasing equipment – to be stored in Market Rasen and Middle Rasen. There is a need for a covered compound/safe area to store supplies of sand, salt, and grit. A suggestion that a container [clad with wood] be installed on Festival Hall Car Park has been put forward and will be considered by WLDC in the New Year.
- Scampton: The WLDC Judicial Review was lost – although in her summing up the Judge recognised that there might be reasons for appeal. WLDC are currently considering their position – a decision has to be made soon after Christmas.
LCC Matters:
- Devolution: The main focus of County Council Business. Currently, out for public consultation until the end of January. The CC are hosting an information event in The Festival Hall on Monday January 22nd from 15:00 to 19:00. MRTC as well as individual councillors are asked to submit responses. The Clerk has distributed papers – I am happy to ask any questions if there are any.
- County Catch Up: LCC have launched a new public facing information service. It can be accessed at
- Flooding: Storm Babet October 20th and Beyond
Middle Rasen was affected by Surface and Ground Water flooding in the early hours of Friday 20th through to late afternoon/early evening. Later that day fluvial flooding became the main concern as the River Rase and Brimmer Beck over topped its banks. As a result of the excess water flooding occurred in several places along Gainsborough Road, Manor Drive, Church Road, Low Church Road, and High Street. In all 14 properties were flooded (defined as Ingres of water into the living quarters of a property) with a similar number of near misses (flooding gardens, garages etc.).
All householders who were flooded have been offered a payment of £500 to go towards the costs of clearing up etc. They have also been offered the opportunity to register for a Property Resilience Grant of up to £5K to help construct preventative measures. LCC is still working on the criteria for this award. Hopefully, they will soon be able to make a clear steer for householders.
Both of these awards are being provided from Central Government Funding.
Since October, a limited number of actions have taken place to help tackle the flood problems. Cleaning and Jetting some of the blocked drains, investigations, and repair of the culvert across Gainsborough Road adjacent to the A46 Lincoln Lane and A631 Junction and adaptions to the outlet pipes into the River Rase. Clearly, a lot more work is required to tackle the substantial problems in Middle Rasen. In total I believe that there are over 25 separate projects including:
A full review of the effectiveness of the 2017 Flood Alleviation Scheme to alleviate surface water flooding in the village from the uphill fields to the South of the Village – including a thorough investigation of the 3 dykes/culverts/drains along Gainsborough Road – Adjacent to Snowdrift, Mill House, and the A631/A46 Junction at the Market Rasen end of the village. This work involves the following agencies, Lincoln Flood Management, Anglian Water and Landowners [Riparian].
Mill Lane and the drop kerb on Church Road close to the Post Office. This is clearly Lincolnshire Highways responsibility. They have been very reticent to solve these problems in the past. I will continue to lobby relevant officers to undertake the work stressing the effects that it has on local residents. I have told the Highways Officer that I am not prepared to any longer accept the argument the work is scheduled for, undated, ongoing work as a satisfactory answer.
Flooding of the Highways in Manor Drive, High Street, Church Road, and Low Church Road. Ingress of water was recorded for two properties Brook Farm and Lilac Cottage] as well as severe ponding on the roads which heavily restricted vehicle movement around the village. Lincolnshire Highways, Environment Agency and The Ancholme Internal Drainage Board are the various agencies involved in solving these problems. I have sent details of the 2023 incidents to them but am still waiting a detailed response rather than a quick letter saying that they have received my emails.
- A Flood and Water Management Working Group has been set up by the County Council. They are charged to look at response to flooding as a result of High Intensity Rainfall, sewage spills, water quality etc.
- Adult Social Care in Lincolnshire has received a positive grading from their recent Care Quality Commission Inspection [this was a pilot using a new standards framework]. They scored good in all categories. The only Council to achieve this. From the report ASC have agreed to assess their current Autism provision and seek improvements.
- Market Rasen Races – Boxing Day
The Jockey Club has worked with The Safety Advisory Group [SAG] and revised its Traffic Management Plan.
Last year it mirrored routes that a sat nav would use and directed all traffic into Market Rasen Town Centre. The new routes direct as mush traffic as possible away from the Town Centre – they have increased the number of directional signs from 56 to 85 – including ‘do not follow sat nav’ signs.
Parking restrictions and one way flow systems have been added to. Residents will be allowed access to their properties.
Bus drivers are not allowed to take their vehicles off site once they have dropped off their passengers – until final departure.
Extra drainage has been installed in the overflow carparks on Legsby Road – allowing it to be used in wet weather situations.
The number of marshals has been increased to improve traffic flow and enforcement.
6. Crime and Vandalism
- Latest reported crime statistics on Police Website for Market Rasen Area in October was 65
7. Clerks Report on Matters Outstanding:-
- WLDC contacted to come back and redo the gullies in the village and re-requested the road sweeper
- Highways asked why we received no notification of pavement works in the village and also to repair the grass verges which have been damaged by the works vehicles - job ref 4188459 allocated
8. Planning:-
147267 – Land adjacent to Heath Court, Middle Rasen, LN8 3WH
Application to erect 10no. dwellings – application withdrawn
147624 – Cedar Farm, Lincoln Lane, Middle Rasen, LN8 3RZ
Planning application for demolition of existing dwelling, erection of two storey contemporary dwelling with integral garages and landscaping – no comments
147647 – Wycolleer, Gainsborough Road, Middle Rasen, LN8 3JR
Planning application to erect porch, first floor extension and garden room extension – no comments
147649 – Land at Ambleside, Gallamore Lane, Middle Rasen, LN8 3UB
Planning application to erect 1no. single storey dwelling with annex – no comment
147711 – Land at Braemar Farm, North Street, Middle Rasen, LN8 3TS
Planning application for the erection of 1no. dwelling and detached garage – no comment
Planning Granted:-
147024 – Land off Gallamore Lane, Middle Rasen, LN8 3HZ
Planning application to erect 71no. dwellings with associated car parking, gardens, roads, home-zones, pathways (foot and cycle) and public open space being variation of conditions 12 and 15 of planning permission 145946 granted 14 February 2023 - minor amendments to house types, inclusion of new house type and a change in materials being variation of condition 2 of planning permission 146670 granted 17 July 2023 - amended construction plan to change working and delivery hours –Granted with conditions
147229 – Springfield Farm, South Lane, Middle Rasen, LN8 3LG
Planning application for construction of horse walker and storage buiding – Granted with time limits and conditions
177089 – Huntersgarth, Caistor Road, Middle Rasen, LN8 3JE
Planning application for extension to domestic curtilage beyond that approved under class Q (to relocated original fence line) and erection of workshop/garage building – Granted with time limits and conditions
9. Correspondence:-
LCC Town and Parish Council November Newsletter and December Update
WLDC Parish Newsletter November 2023
LALC E-news 24/11, 08/12
Mr Beer Website statistics for November
10. Finance and Accounts for Payment
Income:- £86.62
Expenditure:- Green Grass Contracting £75.00
Lincolnshire Landscapes £625.00
A Harrison £621.41
Resolved: All Invoices passed for payment on 19th December 2023
11. Reports from meetings: none
12. Items for next meeting
- To discuss and set precept for 24-25
- To discuss and review Parish Council’s thoughts on LCC devolution plan
- To discuss and resolve on damage to post office noticeboard
There being no other business the meeting closed at 8:02pm.