Minutes January 2020

Middle Rasen Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council on 21/01/20


Present:- Mr M Stamp (Chairman), Mr D Pattison, Mrs G Dennis, , Mr P Dawson, Mr J Padley,

Mr T Smith and Mr J Oxley

Also Present: Mrs J Trotter (Clerk)

Visitors:- Cllr S Bunney, Representative of Eastman Bespoke Homes and PCSO Harrison


The representative of Eastman Bespoke Homes addressed the Parish Council during the public forum, with regard to a proposed new development of 2 homes to be situated on the Old Mill Nursery site, Old Gallamore Lane. The Chair addressed the representative directly regarding quality of previous housing developments. The representative confirmed that the nursery is closed and that the existing access will be utilised. Cllr Smith commented that he had written representations with regard to the previous applications. The Council commented that they were grateful to the representative for his attendance and information and outlined the disregard of the planning authority to the Parish Councils views on planning applications.

The representative of Eastman Bespoke Homes left the meeting – 7.35pm.


1) Apologies for Absence:- Cllr M O’Connor (H), Mrs J Ranby, Cllr L Strange and Cllr J McNeill

Resolved: That apologies be accepted as listed.


2) To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Localism Act:- None.


3) Notes of last meeting on 17th December 2019, to be approved as minutes:-

Resolved: That the minutes be signed as a true record.


4) Chair and Council’s Comments:-

• Cllr Dawson – streetlight repairs still required (List to be e-mailed to clerk to be chased).

• Cllr Oxley reported as follows:

The public footpath running alongside the current development at Rosslyn is still muddy.

Trees alongside the path have been chopped back and ditch has been dug out (without permission).

The developer has erected a fence which may be encroaching onto the footpath.

Following query regarding the designation of the footpath/bridleway which runs alongside Rosslyn.

Cllr Padley gave his opinion on the right of way, including reference to the inclosure award and further information on cross field footpath which is not listed on the definitive map.

• Cllr Dawson reported that the road sweeper has attended the parish, and the gullies have also been cleaned.

• Cllr Pattison reported that footings have been laid on the site on the A46.

• Cllr Smith reported that a resident of Caistor Road contacted him regarding the ongoing flooding.

Cllr Smith confirmed that the parishioner has contacted Sir E Leigh who is taking the matter further. Cllr Smith agreed to provide correspondence to the EA to the Clerk for the parish files.


5) Reports from District and County Councillors:-


• Ian Knowles appointed as Chief Executive, and as part of the Parish Charter negotiations, he may attend a number of Parish Council Meetings.

• Green bin waste service to continue at 19/20 costing.

• Waste depot at Hemswell Cliff remains open.

• WLDC street cleaning conversation with WLDC Officer undertaken and response reported.

• Update regarding community resilience grant.

A short discussion ensued, and the Council commented that requests for more regular visits from road sweeper will have to be requested.


6) Crime & Vandalism

PCSO Harrison addressed the Council and reported on statistics as provided to the Council under the correspondence item.

The low level of recorded crimes in the locality was noted by the Council.


7) Clerks Report on Matters Outstanding:-

• Correspondence sent to Highways regarding water leak on Stockmoor Lane

• Streetlighting issues reported

• Discipline & Grievance Policy received from LALC – amended to reflect ownership by PC

• Correspondence to Resident regarding footpath issues issued.

• Correspondence to Highways regarding footpath issued – response that this will be escalated to asset team for review.

• E-mail to WLDC regarding street cleaning issued – officer has contacted Clerk with regard to request and information was relayed to Council.

A short discussion ensued with regard to situation with regard to hiring a sweeper from out of county to meet demand.

• PCC – invitation to Panel Meeting – 10/2/20


8) Planning:-

140412 - Building adj Mount Pleasant South Lane Middle Rasen Market Rasen LN8 3LG

Planning application for change of use of existing agricultural building to mechanical workshop and trailer repair area.

The Council had no objections to the application.

140376 - Grange Farm Stockmoor Lane Middle Rasen Market Rasen LN8 3TT

Planning application to erect polytunnel.

The Council had no objections to the application.

Permission Granted:

139845 – Land adj Rosslyn, Church Street, Middle Rasen, LN8 3TR

Planning application for the erection of 7no. dwellings

139552 – Land adj The Limes Hotel, Gainsborough Road, Market Rasen, LN8 3JW

Planning application to vary conditions 4, 6, 11 and 15 of planning permission 138607 granted 07 February 2019 – updated drawings, landscaping, acoustic fence details and drainage

140240 - Ingledene, Gallamore Lane, Middle Rasen, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, LN8 3UB

Planning application for external insulation and alterations to window arrangements in connection with prior approval 137852 for the conversion of an agricultural building to dwelling house given on 16/07/2018

Permission Refused:

140079 – 10, Fern Drive, Middle Rasen, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, LN8 3NU

Planning application for a loft conversion consisting of a roof lift and the installation of dormer windows

The Council discussed refusal decision and rationale given by WLDC planning department.


9) Correspondence:-

• Clerks and Councils Direct Magazine

• LALC – Nominations for Buckingham Palace Garden Party, Lincolnshire E A information

• WLDC – Notice of Meetings February – May 2020, Councillor Planning Training Sessions

• EA – Extension for exempt abstraction activity licence applications

• LCC – Website information

• Phone call with parishioner regarding flooding issue on Caistor Road:-

Parishioner has met with Sir E Leigh who will be progressing this matter via his office with various departments.

• Crime Report


10) Finance and Accounts for Payment

Invoices:- A Riddel – Skip Hire £162.00

Salaries £461.20

The Clerk outlined the recent incident with the skip for information and a brief discussion ensued.

Resolved: All Invoices were passed for payment and Quarter 3 reconciliation approved.


11) Reports from Meetings:- None.


12) To ratify precept for 20/21


It was proposed by Cllr D Pattison, seconded by Cllr M Stamp and

Resolved: That the precept be set at £18,000 for the year 20/21.


13) To discuss and resolve Central Lincolnshire Village Profiles Accuracy Check Nov 2019

A discussion ensued regarding the continued references to Middle Rasen Village rather than including housing within the parish as a whole. The accuracy check form clearly references facilities outside the “village” environs, but not the level of housing.

Resolved: That the following statement is submitted to the CLLP accuracy check request:-

The Parish Council make the following observations:

• The accuracy check reflects the parish of Middle Rasen as a whole rather than the “village nucleus” of Middle Rasen in terms of facilties rather than number of dwellings.

• The Council would respectfully ask that the CLLP recognise formally the actual level of housing within the parish, rather than that of the “village”, and that the proposed development on Caistor Road of 320 houses is correctly assigned to the parish of Middle Rasen – rather than the statement that the development abuts Market Rasen and therefore is classed as within the Market Rasen allocation.


14) To discuss and resolve on correspondence regarding water leak on Stockmoor Lane

Noted by Parish Council that water is running down both sides of the lane and the road is treacherous given the weather conditions. There is a H&S implication for road users and pedestrians. Meeting has already been undertaken between Parish Council and Highways Department.

Resolved: That the Clerk enter into correspondence again with Highways to report the leak and ask for Councillor’s Strange assistance with this matter.


15) Items for next meeting

Discussion with regard to acceptance of bench for Ernie’s Garden.


There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.42pm.


Date……………….....…. Signed…………………………………… (Chairman)