Minutes October 2021



Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council on 19/10/21


Present:- Mr M Stamp (Chairman), Mr D Pattison, Mr J Oxley, Mr M O’Connor, Cllr Longmate, Mr J Padley, Mr P Dawson and Mrs G Dennis 

Also Present:  Mrs A Harrison (Clerk) 

Visitors:-  Cllr S Bunney and Cllr J McNeill


1. Apologies for Absence:-  Mr T Smith


Resolved:  To accept apologies from Councillors listed above.


2. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Localism Act:- Cllr Dawson declared and interest but not on a personal level for item 13.

3. Notes of last meeting on 21st September 2021, to be approved as minutes:-  Notes be signed as a true record.


4. Chair and Council’s Comments:-

  • Parish Lighting – Cllr Bunny to ask about main street lighting and if the council would replace with new LED lights which dim then brighten on walking by. Cllr Padley stated Church Street no 7 and 9 not working, Clerk to report to highways
  • Clerk to report to Highways overhanging hedges near post office crossroads as blocking road signs
  • Weed cutting taking place around the River Rase to ease flow
  • Cllr Longmate stated the resurfacing at Skinners Lane not completed in places leaving it worse than previously. Cllr Bunny dealing and to send info to Clerk


5. Reports from District and County Councillors:- 


  • Glentham, North Willingham and Market Rasen parishes want to relaunch speed watch on   631 with a 10 mile reduction in every area and utilising the Plenty Twenty Campaign. Under consultation at WLDC
  • PCSO Evans undergoing training to use handheld speed camera enabling him to issue on the spot speeding fines
  • Cllr McNeill stated WLDC looking at waste management with extra bin for better recycling coming next Easter time with an education campaign to explain what can be recycled
  • Grant application to request funds to mark Queens Platinum Jubilee next year will open in December


6. Crime: - October Newsletter received from Market Rasen Local Policing Team.




7. Clerks Report on Matters Outstanding:-

  • Fix my Street used to report issue with Lime Trees near Mount Pleasant
  • Letter sent to landowner to trim hedges on North Street 
  • Email sent to WLDC to ask where CIL monies from Middle Rasen Developments is spent and if it could be used to provide a better play facility for the village children
  • Letter issued to HSBC to change address to new clerks’ details has not been actioned so new letter required
  • Contractors contacted to commence parish maintenance works as quoted
  • Refund issued to parishioner for relinquished burial plot and 2 parishioners purchased plots
  • Hilltop Tree Services contacted to finish deferred tree works but need information about traffic management
  • Clerk on New Clerk Course (day 2 only) 27th October – funding previously agreed


8. Planning:-


143769 – The Nest, Mill Lane, Middle Rasen, LN8 3LE

Planning application for two storey replacement dwelling with integral garage and workshop – No Objections


143772 – Stoneleigh, Church Street, Middle Rasen, LN8 3TR

Planning application for roof left and alteration to form habitable space in loft – resubmission of 142782

  • Parish Objections as felt not in keeping with the surrounding buildings. - Planning granted


143640 – Ingledene, Gallamore Lane, Market Rasen, LN8  3UB

Planning application to alter and extend existing agricultural building and convert it to a residential dwelling


143546 – Braemar Farm, North Street, Middle Rasen, LN8 3TS

Planning application for the conversion of storage barn to 1no dwelling (amended drawings)


9. Correspondence:-

LALC – e news 28/09, 05/10, 12/10, 19/10 and Letter re Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacons

LCC – Speed Limit Order 28/09,

Cllr Marfleet’s October Brief

Market Rasen Police October Newsletter


10. Finance and Accounts for Payment

Income:-            Burial Fees                                                            £450.00            


Invoices:-            Lincolnshire Landscapes – Grass Cutting £625.00 

            Green Grass Contracting – Grass Cutting £60.00

            Salaries and Expenses - £446.27

            HMRC - £0.60

            Burial Refund - £625.00


Resolved: All Invoices were passed for payment.


11. To Review Budget for 2021

Budget reviewed and estimated precept discussed

Proposed by Cllr Pattinson and seconded by Cllr O’Conner.

Resolved:  that estimate precept be increased by £1000.00 to £19000.00


12. Cllr Bunny to discuss spending of CIL monies by WLDC from Middle Rasen Developments

Cllr Bunny explained the various ways monies received from developers is spent

  • Section 106 – Caistor Road – monies for education in the community (primary school), doctors’ surgery and road walkway scheme. Tied to planning permission process.
  • Community infrastructure Levy (CIL) is for the whole area and distributed to 3 groups, 15% per floor area of each house to parish/town council. The rest goes to the County Council for 2 projects (eastern bypass and secondary/college education). 


13.  To Discuss Play Area and Funding for Village Hall Playground


Cllr Dawson explained the costing of a new playground for the village and how/who would fund it. Cllr Bunny gave contacts at WLDC who could look at grants and funding ideas. Funds need in the £40000.00 range. 

Proposed by Cllr Dawson and seconded by Cllr Oxley.

Resolved: Clerk and Cllr Bunny to contact Matthew Snee and  LALC re applying for a PW loan of £40000.00


14. To Discuss and Resolve Overhanging Branches on Gatehouse Lane

Proposed by Cllr Padley and seconded by Cllr Dawson.

Resolved: Clerk to report to Chris Marsh at Lincolnshire County Council


15.  To Discuss Flooding Issues in Parish

Cllr Bunny has taken details from walk round and passed to be taken forward. Three worst areas to be looked at as potential flood risks 

Proposed by Cllr Dennis  and seconded by Cllr Padley .

Resolved: Cllr Bunny report back to WLDC


16.  Items for next meeting

  • Progress re opening 1127 - 1147 footpaths near Gatehouse Lane
  • Funding information gathered for Village Playground 
  • Parish consultation to discuss Playground Funding


There being no other business the meeting closed at 9:25pm.