Minutes June 2021



Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council on 15/6/21


Present:- Mr M Stamp, (Chairman), Mr D Pattinson, Mr P Dawson, Mr M O’Connor, Mrs G Dennis, Mr J Padley, 

Mr J Oxley and  Mr A Longmate 


Also Present:  Mrs J Trotter (Clerk)


Visitors:-  Cllr S Bunney


1. Apologies for Absence: Cllr T Smith and Cllr J McNeill

    Resolved: That apologies be accepted from above member of the Council.


2. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Localism Act:- None.


3. To receive Acceptance of Office Forms: Vice Chairman signed acceptance Form.  The Vice Chair thanked the Council for their continued confidence.

4. Notes of last meeting on 18th May 2021, to be approved as minutes:- Notes be signed as a true record.  

5. Chair and Council’s Comments:- 

  • Potholes are still not being repaired
  • Traffic in Market Rasen is backing up to junction

Cllr Bunney agreed with comments and he suggested writing to the highways department.  It is noted that delivery vans parking on double yellow lines is the predominant issue, and the George Street junction needs to be considered in terms of traffic flow along with several other pinch points.  Several other suggestions were discussed including the bus routes.

The Parish Council agreed to support Market Rasen with this matter with a letter of support and copy to Executive Portfolio holder.

  • Cllr Dennis has been litter picking following the cutting of the grass at the A46 junction.


6. Reports from District and County Councillors:- 

WLDC Matters: 

  • Traffic and road safety is an issue in the locality generally
  • Cllr Bunney meeting with Inspector for neighbourhood team
  • An explanation of funding available from Central Government in respect of the levelling up funding and the project which has been put forward to the MP for Gainsborough.   Cllr Bunney commented that it is the responsibility of the locality Councillors to put more pressure for local projects.
  • The Call Connect Bus service was discussed particularly in respect of transport to Gainsborough.
  • A short discussion with regard to the train service was also raised.  Cleethorpes to KX service to be introduced next year, but no plans to stop at any unmanned stations such as Market Rasen/Barnetby.
  • The Parish Council noted that the playing field grass needs cutting fortnightly regularly during the growing period – Agreed.


LCC Matters:  

  • Traffic and road safety is an issue in the locality generally


7. Crime and Vandalism: - No report submitted.


8. Clerks Report on Matters Outstanding:-

External Audit paperwork submitted

VAT return submitted

PCSO team contacted regarding speeding on Caistor Road

Information regarding planning app 143013 forwarded

Potholes on Stockmoor Lane to be actioned

Stock repair requires spend of £15.00 to be actioned (Emergency spending power undertaken by Chair)

Clock Service undertaken 8th June

Visibility at A46 junction works have been undertaken

Nag’s Head footpath works agreed with LCC team 


9. Planning:-

Planning Granted

143038/Pl/0031/21- Middle Rasen County Primary School, North Street, Middle Rasen

To vary condition 2 of planning permission 136482 - to retain mobile classroom for a further five years


10. Correspondence:-

WLDC – Planning correspondence regarding application no: 143013, Parish News 3rd edition, Planning Training

Environment Agency information

Parishioner correspondence regarding commemorative sign

Parishioner correspondence regarding speeding on Caistor Road

LCC – E-mail from new LCC Councillor, parking enforcement information, footpath cutting schedule, Central Lincolnshire Local Plan update e-mail

LALC – E-brief 25/5, 1/6, 15/6

Response from School FGB Clerk and CoG regarding parking

PC Councillor e-mail regarding God’s Acre & A46 junction grass cutting

Parishioner e-mail regarding hedging and footpaths

Confirmation from school regarding parental parking in newsletter

Traffic restriction notice - 12/7/2021 to 6/8/2021 – Bishopbridge to west of Middle Rasen

Update from Market Rasen Town Council


11. Finance and Accounts for Payment


Burial Fees -                                                             £225.00



Lincolnshire Landscapes – Grass Cutting            £595.00

Green Grass – Grass Cutting                                    £  60.00

Middle Rasen Village Hall – Hall Hire                        £  15.00

J Trotter – Re-imbursement of Advertisement            £118.80

Salaries                                                             £577.22

Resolved: All Invoices be passed for payment.


12. Reports from meetings: None.


13. To discuss and resolve on re-siting of bench from God’s Acre to roadside

Structure in the Highways form with be required.  Quote sourced from Mr Robinson - £200.00.

Proposed by Cllr D Pattison and seconded by Cllr Dennis

Resolved:  To re-site bench to roadside – Mr C Robinson - £200.00.  Clerk to sign structures in the highways form on behalf of Council.


14. To discuss and resolve on CIL funding spending

£2,493.77 CIL funding available.

Proposed by Cllr M O’Connor and seconded by Cllr G Dennis

Resolved:  That £1000.00 is ring fenced for village hall play area.


15. To discuss and resolve on meeting venue for July meeting and future meetings

20th July 2021 – provision booking at Village Hall arranged

Proposed by Cllr J Padley and seconded by Cllr J Oxley

Resolved:  July – Village Hall and August 2021 to May 2022 – Church Hall


16. To discuss and resolve on decision regarding unveiling of bridge sign (Parrys Bridge)

Reported that contractor will agree wording with family.  Noted that the fencing for the burial ground has been delayed due to supply backlog. 

Proposed by Cllr M Stamp and seconded by Cllr P Dawson

Resolved:  LCC to be contacted to paint bridge and others in parish. To defer discussion until sign is completed.


17. Items for next meeting

To discuss and resolve on decision regarding unveiling of bridge sign (Parrys Bridge)



18. To discuss and resolve moving into closed session (press and public will be asked to leave if motion is resolved

Resolved:  Council resolved into closed session.


Cllr Bunney left the meeting –8.15pm


19. To discuss and resolve on staffing matters

Proposed by Cllr and seconded by Cllr.


Decisions delegated to panel of Cllr Stamp, Cllr Pattison and Cllr Dennis 

Interviews to be scheduled for 29th June – 7pm start for interviews at Village Hall

Candidate A at 7pm

Candidate B at 7.45pm

Clerk to write to invite above candidates and provide relevant information to panel.


There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.25pm.