Minutes May 2021



Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council on 18/5/21



Mr M Stamp, (Chairman), Mr P Dawson, Mr M O’Connor, Mrs G Dennis, Mr T Smith, and Mr J Oxley


Also Present:  Mrs J Trotter (Clerk)


Visitors:-  Cllr S Bunney and 1 member of the public


The Chairman opened the public forum.


The member of the public raised the issue of the planning application 143013 - stating that there is plenty of industrial/commercial zoning within the parish and Market Rasen, and that an application such as this is not appropriate in this location.  There are fears that if the application is passed then there is a precedent for this type of an industrial zone within this rural area.   A short discussion ensued as to the current planning application status and the WLDC Councillor confirmed that it is on the WLDC website.  Clerk found application which had not been referred to Parish Council for review.

The member of the public left the meeting 7.33pm.

The Chair opened the parish council meeting and welcomed everyone to the first face to face meeting and congratulated both Cllr Bunney and Cllr Smith on their appointments as County Councillors.


1. Election of Chairman  Resolved: Cllr M Stamp be elected as Chairman. 

Cllr Stamp thanked the Councillors.


2. Election of Vice Chairman  Resolved: Cllr D Pattison be elected as Vice Chairman.


3. To receive Acceptance of Office Forms: Chair’s acceptance Form received. 


4. Apologies for Absence: Cllr D Pattison, Cllr Longmate and Cllr J McNeill. Resolved: That apologies be accepted from above.


5. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Localism Act:- None.


6. Agree to WLDC Code of Conduct:  Resolved: That WLDC Code of Conduct be utilised by Parish Council.


7. To review Standing Orders: Resolved: That Standing Orders be approved and adopted as agreed including COVID19 addendum.


8. To review Financial Regulations:  Resolved: That Financial Regulations be approved and adopted.


9. To discuss and resolve renewal of annual insurance policy:  Resolved: Insurance policy has been renewed for a further 3 year agreement with Zurich following resolution at April 2020 Council meeting.


10. To review arrangements (including Legal Agreements) with other Local Authorities, not-for profit bodies and business. Resolved:  Arrangements with grass cutting and snow clearance contractors are appropriate.


11. To review Council’s/Employees representation on or work with external bodies and arrangements for reporting back

Mr P Dawson, Mr D Pattison & Mr J Padley – John Wilkinson Trust and Middle Rasen Community Fund

Mr D Pattison – Police Forum

Mr D Pattison – RSP Liaison

  •  Representatives as noted above are to report back at next appropriate Council meeting following attendance at meetings.


12. Review of Council/Staff subscriptions to other bodies. LALC & NALC via LALC. Resolved: Current subscriptions are appropriate.


13. To make arrangements with a view to the Council becoming eligible to exercise the general power of competence in the future

The Clerk informed the Council that eligibility would require a Certificate in Local Council Administration to be held by Clerk.

It was proposed, seconded and Resolved: That this will be reviewed annually, agreement that it is not necessary at the current time.


14. To review Parish Council Risk Assessment/Management

Resolved: Risk Assessment/Management documents appropriate for Council use.  Cllr Pattison to continue as Finance Councillor.

The Chair thanked Cllr Pattison for his service as Finance Councillor.


15. To review inventory of land and assets

The Clerk confirmed that an update will be required after payment of new assets. Resolved: Asset Register approved as correct.


16. To review Complaints Procedure.  Resolved: Complaint Procedure to be adopted as presented.


17. To review Council’s Policies, procedures and practices in respect of its obligations under FOI and Data Protection. Resolved: FOI and Data Protection Policies and Forms be adopted as presented.


18. To review Council’s Policy for dealing with Press/Media.  Resolved: The Council continues to adopt an open door policy for the Media, and Communications Policy as presented be adopted.


19. To review Council’s Employment Policies and procedures. Resolved: Discipline, Capability and Grievance Arrangements (NALC advised) be adopted.


20. To review Council Expenditure incurred under S137 of the Local Government Act 1972

Council spend for 20-21 - £1,300.00.  Resolved: Expenditure for 2020-21 was appropriate in line with Council agreement during the pandemic period, and acknowledgement was given to the overspend to the original budget.


21. To set forward dates for Parish Council meetings for year ahead and venues

Resolved: The dates previously resolved in April 2020 were again confirmed and the Council agreed that meetings would take place at the Village Hall for the June meeting, with further discussion at June meeting.


22. Notes of last meeting on 20th April 2021, to be approved as minutes:- Notes be signed as a true record.  


23. Chair and Council’s Comments:- 

  • Stockmoor Lane potholes completed
  • Manor Drive not completed – clerk to report
  • Comments on re-surfacing works on A46 Gallamore Lane passed
  • Noted that Highways are using a hotbox to repair potholes – noted as standard practice for some time
  • Parking outside school raised due to engines running which has previously been reported – reported as dangerous parking also – further correspondence to be sent to school
  • CIL funding raised, and Cllr Dawson stated that the Village Hall may apply for funding for swings and asked for advice on the matter.  


24. Reports from District and County Councillors:-

WLDC Matters: 

  • Road safety issues are being dealt with via WLDC
  • Lack of policing coverage at Market Rasen has been raised, and this is being raised at Inspector level
  • Green spaces survey being undertaken
  • Parish Councillor planning session available – June date highlighted


A brief discussion ensued with regard to the validity of the neighbourhood plan process and the benefits of such a plan to the parish.


LCC Matters:  

  • Briefing from Leader to all councillors – stressed that potholes are an issue countywide and an area of importance to fix
  • New fire equipment for Market Rasen station


25. Crime and Vandalism: - No report submitted.


26. Clerks Report on Matters Outstanding:-

  • Meeting with Highways Officer (Virtual):

       Stockmoor Lane potholes to be fixed

Church Lane road surfacing to be added to asset list

Cyclist sign at A46 junction to be re-fitted

No crossings signs to be placed on A46 crossing area

No horses/bike signs to be placed in parish 

Skinners Lane has been referred to the Asset Team for addition to programme to deal with surface issues

(Parishioner who raised items has been updated)

  • Footpath update:  Behind gas mound, A46 to West Rasen and A46 to Caistor – all to be programmed for widening
  • Dog waste bin fitted at Low Lane
  • Repair to dog waste bin at Dovecote to be completed on next visit to parish
  • Fencing Contractors informed of outcome of quotes
  • LCC are not taking action on the flooding at Tealby Road following consultation


27. Planning:-


To Vary Condition 2 Of Planning Permission 136482 - To Retain Mobile Classroom for a further five years (Application For Planning Permission For Development By The County Council) – No Objections


No.142729 - Land at Caistor Road ( Chantry Park) Middle Rasen

 The Parish Council now submit an objection 10/5/21) to the above application following concerns raised by parishioners to them as follows:-


The Parish Council raise an objection in relation to the variation of the pathway.  The variation to the pathway as noted on application number 142729, now follows alongside the A46 and maintains this position along the road following the junction into the development (annotation A-B) – this is a detrimental change to the entrance feature of the development as it will place pedestrians in close vicinity of a busy junction, increasing risk to them, and reducing visibility to motorists utilising the junction.


142040 - Land adjacent Springbeck Cottage, North Street, Middle Rasen Market Rasen LN8 3TS

Planning application to remove existing building and erect 1no. dwelling.  No comments – already granted.


142782 – Stoneleigh, Church Street, Middle Rasen Market Rasen LN8 3TR

Planning application for the construction of an additional storey to existing bungalow, including first and second storey bay windows to the front elevation.    

The Parish Council objects to the application on the basis that the proposed plans are not in keeping with the street scene.  


142879 - The Dene, Walesby Road, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, LN8 3UJ

Planning application for 1no. replacement dwelling.  No objections.      


142886 – Ingledene, Gallamore Lane, Middle Rasen, Market Rasen, LN8 3UB

Planning application for extension of residential curtilage, construction of double garage and wood store and revise internallayout.   No comment.


142993 – Ashfield, North Street, Middle Rasen, Market Rasen, LN8 3TS  

Planning application for roof lift to form loft conversion including dormer windows, side extension, rear extension and front porch.  

The Parish Council objects to the application on the basis that the proposed plans are not in keeping with the street scene.


143013 – Mount Pleasant, South Lane, Middle Rasen, LN8 3LG

Change of use from Agriculture to B8 use.

Agreed that Council would review plans and a response will be collated and submitted after the meeting given that the Parish Council has not been consulted.  Cllr Bunney to inform Clerk of reasoning for non-consultation prior to submission of response.


Planning Granted

142588 – South Highfield Barn, Lincoln Lane, Middle Rasen, Market Rasen, LN8 3RZ

Planning application to erect conservatory to front


142564 – Land at The Nest, Mill Lane, Middle Rasen, Market Rasen, LN8 3LE

Outline planning application for 1 no replacement dwelling with all matters reserved


142040 – Land adjacent Springbeck Cottage, North Street, Middle Rasen, Market Rasen, LN8 3TS

Planning application to remove existing building and erect 1 no dwelling


28. Correspondence:-

LCC – Bus Information, Public Rights of Way cutting schedule, Admission variations, E-brief

WLDC – Planning session information, Parish E-news, Agenda (4/5), CIL Payment notification

LALC – E-news 27/4, 4/5, 11/5 & 18/5, Meeting information update, Lincs Environment Awards 21

Lowlands Search and Rescue Charity Funding Letter

Parishioner e-mail regarding new Caistor Road development

Thank you e-mail for grant funding from Citizen’s Advice Bureau

Parishioner e-mail enquiring about parish fete

Tesco Community Grants information

Parishioner query re flood siren


29. Finance and Accounts for Payment

Income:-  CIL Payment from WLDC                        £ 2,493.77



Lincolnshire Landscapes – Grass Cutting            £595.00

WLDC – Waste Bins                                                £252.00

Zurich Municipal – Insurance Cover Renewal            £380.28

Mr M Stamp – Chair’s Expenses                        £325.00

Salaries                                                             £764.73

Green Grass – Grass Cutting                                    £  60.00

Middle Rasen Village Hall – Hall Hire                        £  15.00

Resolved: All Invoices be passed for payment.


30. Annual Return for the year ended 31st March 21

  1. Execute review of effectiveness of internal audit

Resolved:  Internal auditor’s report approved by the Council. 


b) Execute Annual Governance Statement

It was proposed, seconded and 

  •   Annual Governance Statement executed.


c)     To approve Statement of Accounts

It was proposed, seconded and 

  •   Council approved Statement of Accounts and Chair and RFO signed documentation.


d) To sign Certificate of Exemption

It was proposed, seconded and  Resolved:  Council approved signature of Certificate of Exemption by Chair and RFO.


31. To appoint Internal Auditor for 2021-22 Financial Year. Resolved:  Cassells be appointed as Internal Auditor for 2020-21 financial year.


32. Reports from meetings: None.


33. To discuss and resolve on sign for “Parry’s Bridge” . Resolved:  A Gibson – free of charge – contractor to liaise with family on spelling and sign to be in one line.


34. To discuss and resolve on re-siting of bench from God’s Acre to roadside

Structure in the Highways form with be required.  Quote sourced from Mr Robinson - £200.00.

Resolved:  Deferred to next meeting.


35. To discuss and resolve on works to clerk public footpath at burial ground (if required)

Clerk updated Council that this is being reviewed by countryside officer for cutting on next cycle.


36. To receive update on request for “Slow – bikes/horse” signs at strategic points in Parish

No signs to be fitted currently.


37. Items for next meeting

To discuss and resolve on CIL funding spending

To discuss and resolve on re-siting of bench from God’s Acre to roadside


38. To discuss and resolve moving into closed session (press and public will be asked to leave if motion is resolved

Resolved:  Council resolved into closed session.


Cllr Bunney left the meeting – 9.00pm


39. To discuss and resolve on staffing matters

Clerk tendered her resignation to the Council.  The Chair thanked the Clerk for her service.

Resolved:  Advert, job description and application form agreed.  Advertisement on notice boards, website, community website, LALC and Market Rasen Mail. 


There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.15pm.