Annual Parish Meeting



Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting on 26/04/2022

Present:- Mr M Stamp (Chairman), Mr D Pattison, Mr J Oxley, Mr M O’Connor, Mr J Padley, and Mrs A Harrison (Clerk)



1.  Apologies for Absence:-   Mrs G Dennis, Mr P Dawson, Mr T Smith

     Resolved: To accept apologies from Councillor listed above.


2.  To approve minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 20th April 2021:-

The minutes were signed as a true record.  

Resolved:  To approve draft minutes.


3.  Chairman’s Report:- 

Council Members:

The Parish Council has remained stable over the last year with no change to members.

Thank you to all the Councillors for their continued presence at meetings over the year where we were able to meet again face to face after a long and difficult period during the pandemic 

In July we welcomed our new Clerk, Allison and in August we said a sad farewell to Joanne after 11 years as Clerk to the parish

Lincolnshire/West Lindsey Councillors:-

Thanks to both our Lincolnshire County Councillor and West Lindsey District Councillors for their continued support of both the Council, and the parishioners - particularly regarding planning, flooding and highways issues.


Planning Applications:

Applications in 2021/22 – 30 – increased by 1 from 2020-21 year.

The Parish Council remain consistent in their approach to applications; however, we still experience a level of frustration with the planning authority who continue to make decisions which would appear to give little regard to the local knowledge and experience of the Parish Council, particularly regarding flooding in the parish. The long-awaited development on Caistor Road has now commenced and in the following year we will be able to report more on the progress and effect of the development on the Parish.




The Parish Council issued grants in the total sum of £12240.68 as follows:

Citizens Advice Lindsey - £50

Middle Rasen Village Playground – £11630.68

Lincolnshire Lowland Search and Rescue - £10

Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal - £50.00

Middle Rasen Bowling Club – £500.00



The Precept for 2021-22 remained at £18,000.00, which has allowed for investment in the parish during the pandemic, and allows for prudent future budgeting, which is likely to be necessary given the large rise in government spending during the pandemic.



Once again thank you to both Green Grass Contracting and Lincolnshire Landscapes for their work over the last year.  

Lincolnshire County Council have continued to provide a twice yearly safety cut on amenity grass sites within the parish.

Winter Weather contracting arrangements were arranged, however, these were not utilised this winter.  



Parish Maintenance

The Council have continued to report various highways issues to LCC from potholes and flood areas to blocked drains and broken streetlights.

Work has been carried throughout the year to maintain the various benches, street furniture and bins are fit for purpose

The Council also wrote to LCC highways department to find a solution for inconsiderate parking near the junction on Gainsborough Road with Mill Lane after receiving various complaints from parishioners

The Council commissioned a sign for Parry’s Bridge which was expertly made and fitted by local blacksmith, Andrew Gibson who then kindly offered to do all the work free of charge


4.  Financial Report:- 

The Clerk had presented the final unaudited overview of financial paperwork for the year 2021-22 prior to the meeting.  Overspends and underspends were identified, and there were no queries.  The end of year financial information will be available to view on the website as per regulations. The public rights notice will be placed in line with regulations.

Councillors thanked the Clerk for her report, and the Finance Councillor confirmed that the accounts have been checked and are correct.  The Council thanked the Clerk for her continued hard work 


5.  Open Meeting

No comments were forthcoming.


There being no other business the meeting closed at 7.11pm.