January 2024



Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council on 16/01/2024


Present:-  Cllr M Stamp (Chair), Cllr D Pattison (Vice Chair), Cllr P Dawson, Cllr G Dennis, Cllr M Stamp, Cllr M O’Connor,  and Cllr P Sexton


Also Present:  Mrs A Harrison (Clerk)


Visitors:  Cllr E Bennett (WLDC) and 1 member of the public


Chair opened the public forum


The Parishioner attended the meeting to put forward objection to Planning Application 147711 – Land at Braemar Farm, North Street.  The Parishioner had various objections to this application including issue on the drainage system, and that the property plans are outside the boundary lines.  The Parishioner has taken these issues to WLDC planning himself but would like the parish council to reconsider this application and also pass these issues on as objections to WLDC Planning Team. Clerk to report these objections to the Planning Team.


Chair opened the Parish Meeting


1.   Apologies for Absence – Cllr A Miller

      Resolved: That apologies be accepted from above member of the Council

2.   To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Localism Act:- none

3.   Notes of last meeting on 19th December 2023, to be approved as minutes:-

      Resolved: Notes be signed as a true record.

4.   Chair and Council’s Comments:- 

  • Cllr Stamp informed the Council that the trees on Gainsborough Road, opposite the Car Wash Station, are being damaged by ivy are at risk of falling. Clerk to write to landowners to request they assess the situation and make safe.
  • Cllr Dennis advised the council that the running water on Mill Lane is still a massive issue and now, with the cold conditions, ice has formed which causes further risk to road users.  Clerk to contact Highways and ask that this road is added to the gritting schedule.
  • Cllr Dawson stated that when the road sweeper came to the village works were being carried out on Church Street to fix potholes, this resulted in  Church Street not swept by the road sweeper again so the mud blocking the drains is increasing.  Clerk to contact WLDC and request the road sweeper back to clear Church Street.


5.   Reports from District and County Councillors

WLDC Matters: 

  • Scampton WLDC have decided to appeal against the High Court’s ruling that The Home Office are permitted to locate am Asylum Processing Centre on the former RAF Scampton Base.   Whilst the legal process is continuing work will not recommence on the base.  As the decision was formerly made over the Christmas Period no dates for further hearings etc have yet been announced.
  • Empty/Un Kempt Property 3 Dovecote  At Cllr Pattison’s and neighbours request I have requested that WLDC environmental health and property teams carry out an investigation of the property with the view of creating an action plan. Nigel Periman will be carrying out this work.  He was involved around 2 years ago and was instrumental in getting the garden tidied up – since then it has overgrown.  WLDC are aware of the potential problem of rodents etc.
  • Flooding Walesby Road/Tealby Road Junction.   Unfortunately, the work carried out on site last spring/summer 2023 has not resolved the problems in this season’s heavy rainfall.   Officials are meeting on site on Thursday Jan 23rd to carry out further investigations.  They are to prioritise two main remedies:  Further work to the pipes/culverts that run under the grass in front of the houses.

LCC Matters:

  • Devolution  There is not much to add to what I wrote last month.  LCC are holding a public engagement / information event at The Festival Hall on Monday Jan 22nd between 3pm and 7pm.
  • Footpath Public Right of Way 174 between Gainsborough Road and Gallamore Lane.  LCC are aware of the fallen tree and have closed the footpath for Health and Safety Reasons.   LCC believe the tree is the responsibility of the landowner and is pursuing the matter with them.
  • Speed Limit 20 is Plenty Campaign  As you will be aware the petition has been received by LCC – officers are preparing a response, which may well have been received by the Meeting.  Lincolnshire County Council’s Speed Limit Policy is currently under review by one of our scrutiny panels comprising of elected members. A formal approach to 20mph limits is being considered as part of that review and as such we are not implementing any 20mph limits at the moment.  In the officer’s view it is not likely that the County’s Executive [Politicians] will support a blanket move. This means that Middle Rasen’s [and Market] roads will have to be considered on a one-to-one basis.  I will certainly be supporting the application from the villages – a requirement if the application is to be considered.  The criteria adopted for approval of 20mph limits in urban areas is where there have been a high number of recorded injury accidents or fatalities.    This will be a hard hurdle to jump as official statistics record only one incident in recent years. Further Lobbying will be required.
  • Policing  In November 2023 the LCC Web Site registers 37 crimes for Market Rasen Police station – the majority of these are registers as Violence and sexual offences 14.  ASB & Public Order 9, Theft & Shop Lifting 6 , Criminal Damage & Arson 4, Drugs 1 making up the majority of the numbers.  Insp Head has circulated figures for Dec 2023 registering 59.  Again, the majority are Violence and Sexual offences 21. Theft & Shop Lifting is a much higher proportion than in the previous month with 25 cases recorded.  Criminal Damage & Arson is 3 and there were no drug cases.  I must point out that these figures are not strictly comparable as they have been presented in different ways. Inspector Head is intending to produce statistics monthly – allowing a direct comparison to be made.  The large increase in the incidence of Theft & Shop Lifting cases is a worrying trend that will need to be appropriately managed.  Dec 2022 - 9, Nov 2023 - 6 Dec 2023 – 25.  I have arranged a Meeting at 14.00 on Tuesday Feb 20th with the Market Rasen Neighbourhood Policing Team.   The meeting will be held at Market Rasen Police Station.  Inspector Head will be attending with other officers as available.   The Meeting will primarily be open to representatives of Market and Middle Rasen Parish Councils – however, where appropriate neighbouring parishes will be invited as well.  [There are some further meetings for the other more rural parishes in the area].  Insp. Head has asked that where possible questions are submitted in advance – through me as District Councillor – although he does expect some burning questions and conversation on the day.   This allows him time to research any useful material.  The policing priorities for Market Rasen Area have been updated to:
    • Fatal 5 [speeding, mobile phones, drink/drunk driving, seat belts, driving without due care and attention]
    • Cannabis grows – utilizes bypassed electricity and therefore is a health and safety as well as an environmental health risk.


6.   Crime and Vandalism

  • Police crime stats for Market Rasen area and priorities


7.   Clerks Report on Matters Outstanding:-

  • Highways contacted again to report standing water at Post Office junction which is damaging the road surface – works scheduled in January
  • Damaged kerb outside Post Office reported to Highways – works completed 
  • Various Potholes on Manor Drive and North Street reported to highways – some repaired


8.   Planning:- None


9.   Correspondence:-

LALC               D-Day 80 – 6th June 2024, E-News 22/12 and 12/01

WLDC              Parish Newsletter December 2023

Clerk and Council Direct January Newsletter

Email               Parishioners comments regarding flooding on Walesby/Tealby Road junction


10.  Finance and Accounts for Payment



Expenditure:-   Middle Rasen PCC                  £   100.00

A Harrison                                           £   701.40

Resolved: All Invoices passed for payment on 16th January 2024


11.  Reports from meetings: none


12.  To Discuss and Set Precept for 24-25

Proposed by Cllr Pattison and seconded by Cllr Dawson

Resolved:  That the Precept be set at £19,345.71 so no increase or decrease 


13.  To Discuss and Review Parish Council’s Thoughts on Lincolnshire’s Devolution Plan

Proposed by Cllr Dawson and seconded by Cllr Pattison

Resolved:   That the Parish Council can put the thoughts to LCC at the meeting on 22nd January 2024


14.  To Discuss and Resolve on Damage to Post Office Notice Board

Proposed by Cllr Dennis and seconded by Cllr Stamp

Resolved:  That Mr Robison be contacted to remove, repair, and then replace the noticeboard


15.  To Discuss Empty Home on Dovecote

Proposed by Cllr Pattison and seconded by Cllr O’Connor

Resolved: That the overgrown hedging be reported to Highways to cut back from public footpaths


16.  Items for next meeting

  • Discuss participation for 80th Anniversary D-day celebrations 6th June 2024


There being no other business the meeting closed at 8:10pm.