September 2024


Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council on 17/09/2024


Present:- Cllr M Stamp (Chair), Cllr D Pattison (Vice Chair), Cllr P Dawson, Cllr G Dennis, Cllr O’Connor, Cllr A Miller and Cllr P Sexton

Also Present:  Mrs A Harrison (Clerk)

Visitors:-  Cllr S Bunney (LCC & WLDC)


1.   Apologies for Absence – Cllr A Longmate

      Resolved: That apologies be accepted from above member(s) of the Council


 2.   To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Localism Act:- 


3.   Notes of last meeting on 20th August 2024, to be approved as minutes:-

      Notes be signed as a true record.


4.   Chair and Council’s Comments:- 

  • Cllr Stamp commented on various potholes around the village which are slowly being worked on and hoped they would all be fixed before the winter sets in
  • Cllr Pattinson mentioned the parking at the junction near the Methodist Church is building up again.  Cllr Bunney stated that the problem with the County Council fitting bollards to stop vehicles parking here is that part of the pavement does not belong to highways, he will try and find out who it does belong to so an agreement to a solution can be made
  • Cllr Sexton commented that an overgrown/high hedge on Sandy Lane is blocking view for traffic on the bend.  She also mentioned that the signs for the car wash on Gainsborough Lane need moving back as they are causing issues for vehicles pulling out of Manor Drive. Clerk to write to landowners concerned.
  • Cllr Miller is to chase the construction and fitting of the bus stop for Gainsborough Road with Mr Gibson.  The Council decided that if it is not finished in two weeks it is to be collected and sold as scrap.  Cllr Miller to discuss progress at the next Parish Council Meeting.  


5.   Reports from District and County Councillors:

WLDC Matters:

  • WLDC have passed the planning for the new supermarket and coffee shop.  They are also planning to build social housing with shared ownership options at the site.  LCC have decided not to place a footpath from the area towards Middle Rasen 
  • Cllr Bunney let the Council know that because the refugee option at RAF Scampton is not going ahead then the extra budget for policing will not be given.  Inspector Head is to hold a meeting for local parishes and parishioners which will look at policing in the area, getting views from the parishes
  • Cllr Bunney is still working with Cllr Miller and the school on the parking issues 


LCC Matters:

  • LCC have still not finalised the decision if devolution will go ahead in Lincolnshire
  • LCC are looking again at the 20mph zones but does not look like it is something that will go ahead.  The mean issue being enforcement of the speed limits.  They may still look at 20mph zones for back roads in villages


6.   Crime and Vandalism

  • Crime Statistics received from Inspector Head


7.   Clerks Report on Matters Outstanding:-

  • All eleven grit bins checked and requested refills where required.  Bin at Heath Court reported for access as overgrown and bin at the top of Old Gallamore Lane reported as it is being used as a dustbin – LCC to remove these two bins as never been refilled so never used and not in a place where a grit bin would be warranted. 
  • Damaged footpath signpost near Church reported to highways.
  • Lincolnshire Landscapes asked to cut back the hedges near the planter at the entrance of Gallamore Lane as they are obstructing the Middle Rasen Street Sign
  • Email received from parishioner regarding missing bollards near the Gas Mound at the junction of A631/A46 – reported to highways.
  • Chased Mr Robinson regarding the repair to the bench on Gainsborough Road near Willoughby House.


8.   Planning:- none


Planning Granted:- none


9.   Correspondence:-

LCC                 Town and Parish Council Newsletter – August

                        Temporary Traffic Restriction Low Lane 07-08 Oct

LALC            E-news 23/08 and 06/09

                        Presentation on Governments Consultation to Changes to Planning Policy Framework

WLDC              August Parish News

HSBC              Notification of reduction in savings rates from APR 1.94 to APR 1.81

Environmental Agency Notification of Maintenance

Clerks and Councils Direct September Issue


10.  Finance and Accounts for Payment

Income:-          HSBC Interest Payment                       £131.90


Expenditure:-   SES Business Water                 £8.05 (Paid by Direct Debit)

Lincolnshire Landscapes                     £  595.00

Green Grass Contracting                     £    75.00

A Harrison                                           £  632.08

Resolved: All Invoices passed for payment on 17th September 2024


11.  Reports from meetings: none

  • The AGM of John Wilkinson Trust was held nominating the trustees as Cllrs Dawson, Pattison and Dennis and Mr N Hollinsworth.  The term which ended 2024 will carry on for a 3-year team until 2027
  • The meeting for the Community Fund was held nominating Cllr Dawson as Chair and G Fenwick as Clerk,  the following Cllrs are trustees from the Parish Council:

            Cllr P Dawson – till 2025

            Cllr G Dennis – till 2028


12.  To Discuss and Resolve on Burial Regulations and Fees

Burial Fee Comparison Sheet and Regulations previously distributed to Council  

Proposed by Cllr Pattison and seconded by Cllr Miller

Resolved:  That Regulations remain the same but the fee for a body of person over 12 years in increased from £200.00 to £250.00, this being the only amendment.  Clerk to update Fees and publish on Parish Council Website


13.  Items for next meeting

  • Discuss and resolve on Bus Shelter for Gainsborough Road
  • Discuss and resolve on donation and wreath purchase for Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal
  • Discuss and resolve on ways to assist parishioners with loss of winter fuel payments 
  • To review budget for 2024
  • Discuss and resolve on proposed budget and estimate precept for 2025-26


There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.20pm.