August 2024


Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council on 20/08/2024

Present:- Cllr M Stamp (Chair), Cllr D Pattison (Vice Chair), Cllr G Dennis, Cllr P Dawson, Cllr J Padley, Cllr A Longmate, Cllr P Sexton, and Cllr A Miller 

Also Present:  Mrs A Harrison (Clerk)

Visitors:-  Cllr S Bunney (LCC & WLDC) 


1.   Apologies for Absence – None


2.   To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Localism Act:- none


3.   Notes of last meeting on 16th July 2024, to be approved as minutes:-

  • Notes be signed as a true record.


4.   Chair and Council’s Comments:- 

  • Cllr Dennis reported that the base of the pole of the footpath sign at the side of the church is damaged and could fall if knocked – clerk to report to highways  


5.   Reports from District and County Councillors

WLDC Matters: 

  • Cllr Bunney mentioned that the Council are looking at putting barriers at the junction on Gainsborough Road since the traffic incident where a vehicle came off the road and hit a property
  • Cllr Bunney informed the Parish Council that a local choir are looking for new members


LCC Matters:

  • Cllr Bunney informed the Parish Council that the postal worker and dust cart driver reported the state of Stockmoor Lane to highways


6.   Crime and Vandalism

  • Crime statistics received from Inspector Mike Head


7.   Clerks Report on Matters Outstanding:-

  • Letters sent to various homeowners around the village requesting they cut back hedges which are obstructing footpaths
  • Overgrown hedge at junction of Church Street and Gainsborough Road reported to highways as obstructing drivers view
  • Letters sent to parishioners who park on the pavement asking them to refrain from blocking access to wheelchairs/mobility scooters/pushchairs
  • Village health and safety check completed and to discuss findings at item 13


8.   Planning:- 


WL/2024/00606 – Cedar Farm, Lincoln Lane, Middle Rasen, LN8 3RZ

Planning application for removal of existing dwelling and the erection of 1no. two storey contemporary dwelling with integral garages and landscaping – no comments


WL/2024/00636 – The Nest, Mill Lane, Middle Raen, LN8 3LE

Planning application for two storey replacement dwelling with integral garage and workshop, including temporary siting of static caravan and storage container being variation of condition 8 (access and parking area) of planning permission 143769 granted 2 February 2022 – section of hard standing – no comments


Planning Granted:-


WL/2024/00362 – North Cottage, North Street, Middle Rasen, LN8 3TS

Planning application for a link-porch and sunroom extension – Granted with conditions and time limits


9.   Correspondence:-

LCC                 Town and Parish Council July Update including Local Nature Recovery Strategy

                        Minerals and Waste Local Plan

                        Let’s Talk Lincolnshire

LALC            E-news 26/07 and 09/08

                        Training Bulletin                       

WLDC              Parish Newsletter for July and August

CLLP               Parish/Town Council Event (25th September @ Festival Hall)              


10.   Finance and Accounts for Payment

Income:-          Mrs S Gale (burial fees)           £  300.00


Expenditure:-   SES Business Water    £8.05 (paid by Direct Debit 15/08)

Lincolnshire Landscapes         £  870.00

Green Grass                            £    75.00

MRPCC                                   £  175.00

PKF Littlejohn (Audit)               £  252.00

Information Commissioner       £    40.00

Middle Rasen Village Hall        £3500.00

A Harrison                               £  664.48

Resolved: All Invoices passed for payment on 20th August 2024


11.  Reports from meetings: Chair and Clerk met on Thursday 8th August to carry out the annual

village maintenance check 


12.  To Discuss and Resolve on Placing, Amount and Purchase of Speed Indication Devices

Proposed by Cllr Miller and seconded by Cllr Longmate

Resolved:  That the purchasing of the devices was not cost effective 


13.  To Discuss and Resolve on Parish Maintenance Matters

The Chair and Clerk carried out the Parish Maintenance check.  All street furniture in good condition apart from one bench on Gainsborough Road,  various overgrown hedges and potholes noted.

Proposed by Cllr Pattison and seconded by Cllr Padley

Resolved:  That Clerk report all issues to responsible parties and Mr Robison to fix the bench


14.  To Discuss and Resolve Parish Council Policies

a)   Safeguarding – Confirmed policy not changed since last review 

b).  Equal Opportunities– Confirmed policy not changed since last review

Proposed by Cllr Dennis and seconded by Cllr Dawson

Resolved:  That policies be accepted as tabled


15.  To Discuss and Resolve on Winter Maintenance

In the latest LCC Town and Parish Council Newsletter, LCC is starting to prepare for the winter gritting season and is asking local councils to check the grit bins in your parish and report any that are less than half full or are damaged – these can be reported via FixMyStreet. LCC are also offering all town and parish councils delivery of a one tonne bag of salt for this winter. Measuring 1.2m x 1m x 1.2m the bags ideally need to be stored off the ground to remain dry. To get the salt, this must be requested before Monday 30 September. (


Proposed by Cllr Stamp and seconded by Cllr Dawson

Resolved:  That Clerk to check grit bins and report to highways as required and contract for snow clearance (not gritting) to be awarded to Green Grass Contracting for winter Maintenance period 24-25


16.  Items for next meeting

  • Discuss and resolve on burial regulations and fees


There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.05pm.