June 2024



Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council on 18/06/2024



Cllr M Stamp (Chair), Cllr D Pattison (Vice Chair), Cllr J Padley, Cllr A Miller


Also Present:  Mrs A Harrison (Clerk)


Visitors:-  none


1.   Apologies for Absence – Cllr O’Connor, Cllr A Longmate, Cllr P Sexton, Cllr G Dennis, and Cllr P Dawson

Resolved: That apologies be accepted from above member(s) of the Council


2.   To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Localism Act:- 


3.   Notes of last meeting on 21st May 2024, to be approved as minutes:-

  • Notes be signed as a true record.


4.   Chair and Council’s Comments:- 

  • Cllr Stamp brought to the attention the car which parks on the pavement on Gainsborough Road outside Crimmond Cottages.  It is not leaving enough space for mobility scooters to pass and there is no dropped kerb so they cannot go around on the road - Clerk to pass on this information to Cllr Bunney for assistance
  • Cllr Pattison mentioned the speeding through the village, especially at school pick up and drop off times – Clerk to request Speed Indication Devices (SID) from Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership to be placed on Church Street and also on Skinners Lane heading towards North Street where the limits drop from 60mph to 30mph
  • Cllr Padley reported that the footpath from Wilkinson Drive to Naylors Drive is overgrown and the hedges need cutting back – Clerk to report to Highways


5.   Reports from District and County Councillors

WLDC Matters: 

  • No representative 

LCC Matters:

  • No representative


6.   Crime and Vandalism: - 

  • Drug activity at Village Hall and Stockmoor Lane reported to the police - reference number BCA-49153-24-3232-03(this is not a crime reference number)
  • Crime statistics received from Inspector M Head
  • Cllr Padley stated that someone had smashed a window at his home


7.   Clerks Report on Matters Outstanding:-

  • I have requested the findings from LCC Highways Department from the inspection they carried out on the 6th May of the pavement works around the village, reply received: Thank you for your further correspondence. Andrew Creasey, Surface Treatments Programme Leader, has confirmed that we have spoken with the contractors after the site inspections and can confirm that a full weed spray for Middle Rasen will commence this month to address the concerns raised.
  • The overgrown conifers near Lyndhurst, Walseby Road, reported to Highways, reply received: Thank you for your enquiry regarding 2 x conifers in Walesby Road, Market Rasen (4193191/North).  We are sorry but we are not taking immediate action with this report because these two conifers do not obstruct the footpath or carriageway and this does not create an immediate danger.
  • The poor condition of the roads of Manor Drive and North Street (after School up to junction with Low Church Road) reported to Highways – Highways feel North Street is not in need of urgent repair
  • I have requested an update on the continuation of the road works promised for Skinners Lane, reply received: Thank you for your enquiry regarding the carriageway condition, Skinners Lane, Middle Rasen ( 4193192/North).  We are sorry we are not taking further action on this request at this stage. The County Council is already aware of the overall carriageway condition on the road described and whilst major work is being planned to mitigate the issues described no timescales for these can be provided at this time. Please be aware that all roads are inspected for safety and condition at a frequency in accordance with Council policy.
  • WLDC have been contacted to request the road sweeper to clean up the debris left by the contractor who resurfaced the pavements
  • A query has been sent to Highways to see if it will be possible to lengthen the yellow markings outside the Primary School -  Cllr Bunney to take forward with Cllr Miller


8.   Planning:-


WL/2024/00362 – North Cottage, North Street, Middle Rasen, LN8 3TS

Planning application for a link-porch and sunroom extension – no comments


WL/2024/00376 – Land adjacent to Clare Lodge, Gallamore Lane, Market Rasen, LN8 3HZ

Planning application for the conversion and extension of the former stable block to create 1 dwelling being variation of condition 7 of planning permission 141097 granted 22 September 2020 – retention of feature arch, addition of roof light, solar panels, utility door and wood burning stove flue – no comments


Planning Granted:-

148274 – Middle Rasen Primary School, North Street, Middle Rasen

Application for extension to retain mobile classroom – granted for a further five years


9.   Correspondence:-

LALC               E-News 31/05 and 14/06

                        Pre-election Period Briefing Notes

                        Training Bulletin

LCC                 March Town and Parish Newsletter

WLDC              Parish Newsletter 


10.  Finance and Accounts for Payment

Income:-          HSBC Interest                          £  88.42


Expenditure:-   SES Business Water                £    6.12

Lincolnshire Landscapes         £720.00

Green Grass Contracting         £  75.00

A Harrison                               £632.08

Resolved: All Invoices passed for payment on 18th June 2024


11.  Reports from meetings: none


12.  Discuss and resolve on options for CIL monies

Village hall requested funds to help with various recent expenses (fire assessment, purchase and fitting of security camera, new lighting)

Proposed by Cllr Pattison and seconded by Cllr Miller

Resolved:  That grant request be put through by Village Hall Committee and CIL to be discussed at next meeting


13.  Discuss and resolve on balances of bank accounts

Proposed by Cllr Pattison and seconded by Cllr Miller

Resolved:  That that £10,000.00 be transferred for the Middle Rasen Prish  Council Current Account to the Deposit Account


14.  Items for next meeting


  • Discuss and resolve on options for CIL monies
  • Discuss and resolve on date for village health and safety check


There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.07pm.