April 2024


Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council on 16/04/2024


Present:-  Cllr D Pattison (Vice Chair), Cllr P Dawson, Cllr J Padley, Cllr G Dennis, Cllr P Sexton, and Cllr A Miller 

Also Present:  Mrs A Harrison (Clerk)

Visitors:   Cllr S Bunney (WLDC) and 2 members of the public


Chair opened the public forum


The members of the public where volunteers from the local monthly publication, Community Spirit.  They explained to the Council that it is run fully by volunteers with 50+ distributors.  They earn running costs from advertising, but the number has dropped after covid and with rise in printing funds they are now running at a loss. With an approximate annual short fall of £1800.00.   They have looked for new businesses to advertise with them and have run fundraising events to increase income. Around 850 properties in Middle Rasen area receive the publication and they are looking for donation from the Parish Council.  The Council gave them a grant application form to complete and return so it can be discussed at the next meeting of the Parish Council.


Chair opened the Meeting


1.   Apologies for Absence – Cllr M Stamp (Chair) and Cllr M O’Connor

      Resolved: That apologies be accepted from above members of the Council


 2.   To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Localism Act:-

       Clerk – Item 11


3.   Notes of last meeting on 19th March 2024, to be approved as minutes:-

      Resolved: Notes be signed as a true record.


4.   Chair and Council’s Comments:- 

  • Cllr Dawson has had several complaints about the recent Footway Micro Servicing work carried out around the village by LCC.  The complaints include the early start of the works, as early as 6:30am, letting the waste blow into gutters and onto parishioners’ properties and the fact that weeds are already coming through the tar.  Clerk to send a letter of complaint to highways with a copy to Cllr Bunney
  • Naylors Drive turnaround breaking up – clerk to report to highways


5.   Reports from District and County Councillors Received :- 

  • Cllr Bunney has had a lot of complaints about Caistor Road and the hedges encroaching on the pavement.  Lady Francis Drive has the same issue.  Work party needed to cut back and widen the pavement.
  • Flood Department are working on the flooding on Walesby Road.
  • RAF Scampton is still an ongoing issue and is still being looked at for development.
  • LCC still looking into the speed restrictions, we should hear more around August.


6.   Crime and Vandalism

  • Police reported crime stats for Market Rasen area in February were 48 reported crimes 
  • Notification of candidates for election of Police and Crime Commissioner
  • West Lindsey Policing Plan 


7.   Clerks Report on Matters Outstanding:-

  • After various communications with SES Business Water a true bill for the standpipe in the graveyard has been received 
  • Streetlight on footpath between Church Street and Dovecote reported again to Highways requesting they examine the electrics as only just been fixed recently – works completed
  • Church Hall booked for future meetings of the Parish Council
  • WLDC contacted to order a new waste bin and a replacement dog waste bin for Low Church Road
  • Mr Robinson asked to repair the damaged bench on Gainsborough Road – work scheduled
  • Lincolnshire Landscapes contacted to request if they could add cutting back the hedge behind the bench on Gainsborough Road when required to prevent future damage – added to works rota


8.   Planning:- 


147649 – Land at Ambleside, Gallamore Lane, Middle Rasen, LN8 3UB

Planning application to erect 1no. single storey dwelling with annexe – Appeal of Previous Decision


139481 – Middle Rasen County Primary School, North Street, Middle Rasen

Development – to vary condition 1 of planning permission 139481 – to retain mobile classroom for a further five years


Planning Granted:- 


147845 – Springfield Farm, South Lane, Market Rasen, LN8 3LG

Planning application for construction of new equestrian arena and associate landscaping – Granted with time limit and conditions


147711 – Land at Braemar Farm, North Street, Middle Rasen, LN8 3TS

Planning application for the erection of 1no. dwelling and detached garage – Granted with time limit and conditions


9.   Correspondence:-

LALC                                       E-News 22/03 and 05/04

LCC                                         March Town and Parish Newsletter

                                                Notification of Footway Works starting in April

LALC                                       Notification of Candidates for Police and Crime Commissioner

WLDC                                      Notification of CIL Payment

                                                Parish Newsletter

D Beer                                     Website Analytics for March

Lincolnshire Landscapes         Price increase notification


10.   To Discuss and Resolve on Chair’s Expenses

Proposed by Cllr Dawson and seconded by Cllr Padley

Resolved:   That the expenses remain at £350.00


The Clerk left the meeting


11.   To Discuss and Resolve on Clerk’s Expenses

Proposed by Cllr Pattison and seconded by Cllr Dawson

Resolved:   That the expenses be increased by £25.00 to £250.00


The Clerk returned to the meeting


12.   Finance and Accounts for Payment

Income:-          HSBC Interest                                      £       87.04

                        Leaks Masonry                                    £       75.00

                        WLDC Precept                                     £19,346.00


Expenditure:-   WLDC (Bin Purchases)                        £     282.00

                        SES Business Water                            £       67.10

                        Green Grass                                        £       75.00

                        Viking Direct                                        £     109.14      

A Harrison                                           £     621.41

M Stamp                                              £     350.00

A Harrison                                           £     250.00

Lincolnshire Landscapes                     £     288.75

Middle Rasen Bowling Club                 £     500.00

Resolved: All Invoices passed for payment on 16th April 2024


13.   Reports from meetings: - Cllr Miller had a meeting with WLDC to view the dismantled bus shelters


14.   To Discuss and Resolve Request for Funds from Middle Rasen Bowling Club

Proposed by Cllr Dawson and seconded by Cllr Dennis

Resolved:   That a donation of £500.00 be given from CIL funds


15.   To Discuss and Resolve the Purchase of Bus Shelters for Gainsborough Road

Proposed by Cllr Dawson and seconded by Cllr Miller

Resolved:   That the Parish Council purchase one second hand shelter from WLDC at the cost of £100.00


16.   To Discuss and Resolve on Requesting a Pedestrian Crossing for Gainsborough Road

Proposed by Cllr Sexton and seconded by Cllr Dawson

Resolved:   That a request be passed via the District Councillor to highways for the crossing


17.   Items for next meeting

  • To discuss CIL expenditure


There being no other business the meeting closed at 8:30pm.