February 2024



Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council on 20/02/2024

Present:-  Cllr M Stamp (Chair), Cllr P Dawson, Cllr G Dennis, Cllr J Padley, Cllr A Longmate, and Cllr A Miller 

Also Present:  Mrs A Harrison (Clerk)

Visitors:  Cllr S Bunney (WLDC) 


1.   Apologies for Absence – Cllr D Pattison (Vice Chair), Cllr M O’Connor and Cllr P Sexton

      Resolved: That apologies be accepted from above members of the Council

2.   To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Localism Act:- none

3.   Notes of last meeting on 16th January 2024, to be approved as minutes:-

      Notes be signed as a true record.

4.   Chair and Council’s Comments:- 

  • Cllr Stamp informed the Council that the sign for Ernie’s Garden had fallen and is in a state of disrepair – Cllr Stamp to check with local retailer for costing and design information discussion at next meeting
  • Cllr Dawson mentioned that the bin outside post office on Gainsborough Road is always overflowing – Clerk to contact WLDC Waste Manager, Rob Gilliot, waste manager to see if the bin could be emptied twice weekly
  • Cllr Dawson had been approached by a parishioner to inform the Council that there is often a build-up of litter near the bench at the old church yard.  Council to discuss purchasing and fitting a small bin in the area and also look at changing the dog waste bin opposite as old swing top style which often sticks – to be added to next agenda to discuss
  • Cllr Dawson let the Council know that the bench near Willoughby House, Gainsborough is damaged and often gets overgrown.  To be discussed at next meeting to arrange fixing and also look at re-locating the bench
  • Cllr Dennis is organising a litter pick on Saturday 16th March starting at Naylors Drive at 10 am – Clerk to produce a poster to advertise on noticeboards and website 
  • Cllr Stamp had noticed fly tipping occurring at Bourn’s Yard, Stockmoor Lane – Clerk to report to landowner
  • Cllr Dennis mentioned there could be damage to the bridge at North Street/Manor Drive – Clerk to report to environmental agency


5.   Reports from District and County Councillors

WLDC Matters: 

  • Cllr Bunney mentioned fly tipping on Sandy Lane which has been reported and works are scheduled


LCC Matters:

  • Cllr Bunney stated LCC is looking at the 20 is Plenty Campaign and is still in progress but he has had feedback that it would be turned down for the main roads, but it could be re-submitted for any back roads if it is deemed vehicles are speeding.  This can not be done until the first petition is finalised.
  • Flooding is still an ongoing issue and Cllr Bunney still pushing this with LCC and letting residents know of what grants are available if they are susceptible to flooding


6.   Crime and Vandalism

  • Police reported crime stats for Market Rasen area was 56 for December
  • Policing Commitment Booklet received form Inspector Head
  • Lincoln and West Lindsey Parish Council Engagement Session Thursday 4th July 2024


7.   Clerks Report on Matters Outstanding:-

  • Highways contacted to request hedges at empty property on Dovecote be cut back as obstructing the footpath – Action completed
  • Mr Robinson has agreed to repair and waterproof the noticeboard outside the Post Office and to replace at a lower height to assist with access
  • Request sent to WLDC to get the Road Sweeper back to clear Church Street
  • WLDC contact to request Mill Lane be added to the gritting rota
  • Letter sent to Landowners of Naylor’s Field, Gainsborough Road to assess trees as being damaged by ivy
  • Abandoned white van on Manor Drive reported to WLDC and Local Police
  • Bulbs delivered by Rotary Club to be planted around the village by Lincolnshire Landscapes
  • Reported to highways –
    • Last light on footpath from Dovecote to Church Street not working – completed
    • Trip hazard at top of steps on footpath from Church Street to Dovecote – works completed


8.   Planning:-


147738 – Land off Gallamore Lane, Middle Rasen, LN8 3HZ

Planning application to demolish all buildings and erect class E food store and a Class E(b) coffee shop drive-thru together with access, car parking, servicing, landscaping, and associated works – no comments


147845 – Springfield Farm, South Lane, Market Rasen LN8 3LG

Planning application for construction of new equestrian arena and associated landscaping – no comments


Planning Granted:- 


146718 – Ainsworth House, Walesby Road, Market Rasen, LN8 3EY

Planning application to remove existing carriage shed and erection of annexe with garden shed – Granted with conditions and time limits


147647 – Wycoller, Gainsborough Road, Middle Rasen, LN8 3JR

Planning application to erect porch, first floor extension and garden room extension – Granted with conditions and time limits


Planning Refused:-


147624 – Cedar Farm, Lincoln Lane, Middle Rasen, LN8 3RZ

Planning application for demolition of existing dwelling, erection of two storey contemporary dwelling with integral garages and landscaping


147649 – Land at Ambleside, Gallamore Lane, Middle Rasen, LN8 3UB

Planning application to erect 1no. single storey dwelling with annexe


9.   Correspondence:-

LALC                           E-News 22/12, 26/01, 09/02

LCC                             Town and Parish Council Update January

                                    Budget and Council Tax Proposals 2024/25

                                    Electric Vehicle Charger Locations

Cubiquity Media           Free Portrait of King Charles III – Council agreed to procure a free portrait      


10.   Finance and Accounts for Payment


Expenditure:-   LALC Annual Subscriptions                  £   481.70

           A Harrison                                            £   654.41 

Resolved: All Invoices passed for payment on 20th February 2024


11.   Reports from meetings: none


12.   To Discus and Resolve on Positioning and Purchase of Bus Shelters for Gainsborough Road

Clerk shared research on cost and informed Parish Council that a new bus shelter would be around £4000 - £5000 but WLDC did have 4 refurbished shelters available for £100 each

Proposed by Cllr Dawson and seconded by Cllr Dennis

Resolved:   That Clerk contact WLDC to reserve a shelter and arrange site visit for Highways to check if a shelter can be fitted


13.   To Discuss and Resolve 80th Anniversary of D-day, 6th June 2024, Celebration Options

Proposed by Cllr Stamp and seconded by Cllr Miller

Resolved:   That none of the celebration options are suitable for the Village


14.   Items for next meeting

  •         To discuss and resolve forward dates and venue for 2024-25 Parish Council Meetings
  •         To discuss and resolve 2024-25 annual pay increment change to Clerk’s salary
  •         To discuss and resolve on new sign for Ernie’s Garden
  •         To discuss and resolve on purchase of one small waste bin near bench at old graveyard and one replacement dog waste bin on Church Street  
  •         To discuss and resolve on fixing and moving the bench on Gainsborough Road near Willoughby House

There being no other business the meeting closed at 8:31pm.