March 2024



Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council on 19/03/2024

Present:-  Cllr M Stamp (Chair), Cllr D Pattison (Vice Chair), Cllr P Dawson, Cllr J Padley, Cllr G Dennis, Cllr M O’Connor, Cllr P Sexton, and Cllr A Miller 

Also Present:  Mrs A Harrison (Clerk)


Visitors:   None


1.   Apologies for Absence – Cllr A Longmate

Resolved: That apologies be accepted from above member of the Council


2.   To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Localism Act:-

  Clerk – Item 13


3.   Notes of last meeting on 20th February 2024, to be approved as minutes:-

RESOLVED: Notes be signed as a true record.


4.   Chair and Council’s Comments:- 

  • Cllr Stamp discussed the issue on the number of potholes there are around the village
  • Cllr Dennis organised a litter pick which went well with a various amount of rubbish removed and collected by WLDC, the Chair thanked Cllr Dennis and asked her to pass on the gratitude on behalf of the Parish Council
  • Cllr Dawson stated that the light on the footpath between Dovecote and Church Street is out again – Clerk to re report to highways


5.   Reports from District and County Councillors Received :- 

  • Police Liaison  I have requested meetings with the Police Commissioner and Chief Constable’s Office to discuss the concerns of The Council and Local Residents, regarding the neighbourhood policing [timing of response, operational issues standards of delivery] and funding levels. The Chief Constable’s Office has replied suggesting a meeting at Local Inspector level.  I have explained that we want to do this at a higher level – we await a reply.  In the meantime, I have asked the Chief Executive at WLDC to help facilitate a meeting.  The Police Commissioner is unable to offer any meeting until after the elections in May 2024.  
  • Highways and Flooding
  1. As a result of Storms Babet and Henk over 200 Section 19 investigations of flooded premises have been commissioned.  I believe that this includes investigations on Manor Drive, Gainsborough Road, and Low Church Road.  Reports with recommendations for potential remedial work are due to be published the end of August.  Cllr Sexton added that the Environmental Agency are also involved woth the flooding issues.
  2. Anglian Water are looking at the flooding at Dovecote – they believe that the problem may be to do with inadequate pipe work.   I have not been given any indication of a timeline for the work.
  3. Since Dec 2023 LCC have allocated a further £6.5 million pounds to support Flooding work across the county.  Hopefully, some of this will be coming in Middle Rasen’s direction.
  4. Church Street – Puddle by dropped kerb. Fix My Street Reference 483797.  The latest update report was submitted to Highways on Monday March. 18th for the drain to be cleared and jetted out.
  5. As you will all be aware there are many potholes throughout the village.  Over the next fortnight I hope to ensure that they have all been recorded by Highways for repair.
  6. Highways have been asked to review the car parking issue outside the School to ensure that it is in line with County policy.   This includes repainting the yellow lines etc. Cllr Sexton did inform the Council that a Police presence has been seen at school drop off and pick up times.
  • Speed Limits  LCC have still not considered the report made by officers regarding 20mph speed limits in built-up areas.   It looks to be due for discussion in the June cycle of meetings.
  • Lady Francis Drive  Market Rasen Town Council have been approached about the slippery nature of the pavements due to an excessive growth of moss.   MRTC have approached Highways on how best to address the situation as the state of the surfaces is very poor and are likely to deteriorate further if mechanical action is used.   MRTC have asked that Middle Rasen are kept informed of the situation as the road is split between the two parishes.


6.   Crime and Vandalism

  • Police reported crime stats for Market Rasen area was 48 reported in January
  • Parish Council Engagement Session Q&A


7.   Clerks Report on Matters Outstanding:-

  • WLDC contacted to request if the bin outside Crossroad Stores on Gainsborough Road could be emptied twice weekly
  • Poster produced and distributed to promote the litter pick on 16th March
  • Fly tipping at Bourn’s Buildings on Stockmoor Lane reported to the Landowner
  • Damage to the bridge at North Street/Manor Drive reported to Environment Agency who have come back stating it is not their responsibility so reported to Highways
  • Site visit arranged with Highways Officer, Cllr Pattison and Cllr Sexton to discuss new bus shelters on Gainsborough Road


8.   Planning:- none


9.   Correspondence:-

LALC               E-News 23/02 and 08/03

LCC                 February Town and Parish Newsletter

WLDC              Council Tax changes to long-term empty homes and second homes

D Beer             Website Analytics for January and February

Clerks and Councils Direct March Issue


10.  Finance and Accounts for Payment

Income:-          HMRC VAT Refund                             £ 757.55

Expenditure:-   C M Robinson                                      £ 317.97

                        Lincolnshire Landscapes                     £ 200.00

           A Harrison                                           £ 621.41  

Resolved: All Invoices passed for payment on 19th March 2024


11.  Reports from meetings: Cllr Pattison and Cllr Sexton met with Highways Officers to discuss the placing of 2 bus shelters on Gainsborough Road.   Also, in attendance were several parishioners who use the service regularly.  Highways agreed to having the shelters within size limitations.  


12.  To Discuss and Resolve on Forward dates and Venue for 2024-25 Parish Council Meetings

Proposed by Cllr Dawson and seconded by Cllr Miller

Resolved:   That the Church Hall be booked for meetings and all meetings to be held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month except November 24 when it will be held  on the second Tuesday.  Clerk to book Church Hall.


The Clerk left the meeting


13.  To Discuss and Resolve 2024-25 Annual Pay Increment Change to Clerk’s Salary

Proposed by Cllr Stamp and seconded by Cllr Pattison

Resolved:   That annual increment given

The Clerk returned to the meeting


14.  To Discuss and Resolve on New Sign for Ernie’s Garden

Cllr Stamp provide the Council with various options for the new sign to choose from

Proposed by Cllr Miller  and seconded by Cllr O’Connor

Resolved:   That the chosen sign be purchased and fitted


15.  To Discuss and Resolve on Purchase of One Small Waste Bin Near Bench at Old Graveyard and

One Replacement Dog Bin on Low Church Road

Proposed by Cllr Padley and seconded by Cllr Dennis

Resolved:   That the Parish purchase a 50-litre bin with post and a replacement dog waste bin


16.  To Discuss and Resolve on Fixing and Re-Locating the Bench on Gainsborough Road Near

Willoughby House

Proposed by Cllr Dennis and seconded by Cllr Pattison

Resolved:   That the bench be repaired by Mr Robinson and left in place, Clerk to contact Lincolnshire Landscape to request  keeping the hedge cut back to prevent further damage


17.  Items for next meeting

  • To discuss  and resolve on the purchase of two bus shelters
  • To discuss requesting a pedestrian crossing situated between the bus stops on Gainsborough Road


There being no other business the meeting closed at 8:27pm.