May 2024 (Annual Meeting)



Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council on 21/05/2024



Cllr M Stamp, Cllr D Pattison, Cllr G Dennis, Cllr D Dawson, Cllr M O’Connor, Cllr J Padley, Cllr A Longmate, and Cllr A Miller


Also Present:  Mrs A Harrison (Clerk)


Visitors:-  Cllr E Bennett


1.   Election of Chairman

Proposed by Cllr Dawson and seconded by Cllr Pattison 

Resolved: Cllr M Stamp be elected as Chairman. 

Cllr Stamp thanked the Councillors.


2.   Election of Vice Chairman

Proposed by Cllr Stamp and seconded by Cllr O’Connor

Resolved: Cllr D Pattison be elected as Vice Chairman.


3.   To receive Acceptance of Office Forms

Chair’s acceptance Form received. 


4.   Apologies for Absence – Cllr P Sexton

Resolved: That apologies be accepted from above member(s) of the Council


5.   To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Localism Act:- None.


6.   Agree to WLDC Code of Conduct

Resolved: That WLDC Code of Conduct be utilised by Parish Council.


7.   To review Standing Orders

Resolved: That Standing Orders be approved and adopted as agreed.


8.   To review Financial Regulations

Resolved: That Financial Regulations be approved and adopted.


9.   To discuss and resolve renewal of annual insurance policy

Resolved: Insurance policy to be accepted


10.  To review arrangements (including Legal Agreements) with other Local Authorities, not-for profit bodies and business

Resolved:  Arrangements with grass cutting and snow clearance contractors are appropriate.


11. To review Council’s/Employees representation on or work with external bodies and arrangements for reporting back

Mr P Dawson, Mr D Pattison & Mrs G Dennis – John Wilkinson Trust and Middle Rasen Community Fund (not to be reported back on)

Mr D Pattison – Police Forum

Mr D Pattison – RSP Liaison

  •  Representatives as noted above are to report back at next appropriate Council meeting following attendance at meetings excluding John Wilkinson Trust and Middle Rasen Community Fund


12.  Review of Council/Staff subscriptions to other bodies


Resolved: Current subscriptions are appropriate.


13.  To make arrangements with a view to the Council becoming eligible to exercise the general power of competence in the future

The Clerk informed the Council that eligibility would require a Certificate in Local Council Administration to be held by Clerk.

It was proposed, seconded and Resolved: That this will be reviewed annually, agreement that it is not necessary at the current time.


14.  To review Parish Council Risk Assessment/Management

Resolved: Risk Assessment/Management documents appropriate for Council use.  Cllr Pattison to continue as Finance Councillor.

The Chair thanked Cllr Pattison for his service as Finance Councillor.


15.  To review inventory of land and assets

Resolved: Asset Register approved as correct.


16.  To review Complaints Procedure

Resolved: Complaint Procedure to be adopted as presented.


17. To review Council’s Policies, procedures, and practices in respect of its obligations under FOI and Data Protection  

Resolved: FOI and Data Protection Policies and Forms be adopted as presented.


18.  To review Council’s Policy for dealing with Press/Media

Resolved: The Council continues to adopt an open-door policy for the Media, and Communications Policy as presented be adopted.


19.  To review Council’s Employment Policies and procedures

Resolved: Discipline, Capability and Grievance Arrangements (NALC advised) be adopted.


20.  To review Council Expenditure incurred under S137 of the Local Government Act 1972

Council spends for 23-24 - £1,860.00.

Resolved: Expenditure for 2023-24 was appropriate and in line with Council agreement.


21.  To set forward dates for Parish Council meetings for year ahead and venues

Resolved: The dates of every 3rd Tuesday were agreed at March Meeting with the exception of the November Meeting which is to be held on the 2nd Tuesday.  The Council also agreed that meetings would take place at the Church Hall.  Clerk to forward dates to all Councillors.


22.  Notes of last meeting on 16th April 204 to be approved as minutes:-

  • Notes be signed as a true record.  


23.  Chair and Council’s Comments:- 

  • Cllr Stamp commented on the state of the road surface on Manor Drive and North Street past the School, towards the junction with Low Church Road – Clerk to report to highways
  • Cllr Longmate requested that highways need chasing about completing the road works on Skinner’s lane – Clerk to contact Highways
  • Cllr Dawson asked that we request the road sweeper from WLDC to clear all roads round village where highways have left the debris when resurfacing the pavements
  • Cllr Miller had received various comments from parishioners about the inconsiderate parking at the school  – Clerk to liaise with LCC Highways to see if the yellow zig zag no parking area can be extended


24.  Reports from District and County Councillors:- 

WLDC Matters: 

Over the next year as a group, we will be working to deliver, amongst others, the following Priorities:

  • Devolution and Levelling Up – ensuring that the rural areas of the ward/division are not ignored and that grant money is widely distributed and not concentrated on the main centres of population.
  • Rural Infrastructure Investment including, Highways & Footpath improvements, GP, Dentist and Health Services, continuing education 
  • Sustainable environment and climate change mitigation measures
  • Rural Transport provision
  • Active Leisure, Sports and Culture provision for all across the district
  • Flood and severe weather resilience.
  • Inward Economic Investment along the A15 corridor including RAF Scampton.

Since the last meeting I have written to Highways regarding the bus shelters – as yet I have not received a reply.  I have also written to H R Bourn Ltd. regarding the security on their Stockmoor Lane site.  They have acknowledged the letter and said they will keep an eye on the property.

LCC Matters:  

LCC Highways Contractors – including Balfour Beaty & Colas have once again offered free time to undertake works in local communities.  Details have been sent to all Parish Clerks in the district.  If your parish is interested in taking up the offer please let Cllr Stephen Bunney know, the deadline for applications is June 7th.


25.  Crime and Vandalism: - 

  • April Crime Statistics received from Inspector M Head
  • Cllr Dawson requested that the clerk report the recent drug activity taking place at village hall car park and Stockmoor lane to the police


26.  Clerks Report on Matters Outstanding:-

  • Letter of complaint sent to highways regarding feedback from parishioners on the work carried out to resurface the footpaths around the village – reply received: After fully investigating this matter, Andrew Creasey has provided the following details: Thank you for raising your concerns with us regarding our recent footway works in Middle Rasen. We would like to assure you that we have spoken to our contractor regarding the early start to these works. We agree that it is unacceptable to begin works early when working in an urban area. Our contractor has apologized for the inconvenience and disruption caused. Additionally, we have reminded our contactor of their duty to leave the site tidy after works. Please note that we are due to inspect these works on the week commencing 6th May 2024, and will raise any further concerns with our contractor. Subject to these findings, we will then organize further weed treatment if it is required. Thank you again for bringing these issues to our attention and please accept our apologies on behalf of our contractors. On this occasion, the Local Authority acknowledge that in regard to the early start time and the site being left untidy, we did not provide you with the level of service that we would expect. Please accept our sincere apologies for this and any inconvenience this may have caused you.  We hope this response has answered the concerns that you have raised with us. If you feel the answers provided do not fully address your concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us in order to discuss the next stages of your complaint. If you remain dissatisfied with your complaint response, we would kindly request that you contact us in writing within 20 working days as per our Complaints Policy. Where possible, please ensure that you are able to provide information around your ongoing dissatisfaction, as this will enable the Local Authority to appropriately consider your request. Thank you for raising your concerns with us as receiving feedback from our customers, both positive and negative, is an opportunity to learn and improve the way we provide services for the future.
  • The deterioration of the road surface at the turnaround on Naylors Drive reported to Highways - reply received:  We’re sending you this message to let you know that we’ve assessed the road condition and whilst it has deteriorated it does not yet require further action. If the fault deteriorates significantly then please report this again to us and we will investigate further       
  • Request sent to LCC Highways Department, via Cllr S Bunney, for a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for a pedestrian crossing on Gainsborough Road.
  • Letter set to Landowner of buildings on Stockmoor Lane informing them of drug activity taking part on the property.


27.  Planning:-

148193 – Land at Caistor Road, Chantrey Park, Middle Rasem, LN8 3JA

Application for approval of reserved matters for Phase 2 to erect 55no. dwellings with associated garaging and infrastructure considering appearance, landscaping, layout and scale following outline planning permission 135013 granted 22 December 2017 – no comments

Planning Granted:- none


28.  Correspondence:-

LCC        Town and Parish Council April Newsletter     

WLDC     Notification of CIL Payment

               Police and Crime Commissioner Election Declaration of Results

LALC      E-news 19/04, 03/05 and 17/05

Clerks and Councils Direct May Newsletter

Middle Rasen Bowling Club – Thank you card


29.  Finance and Accounts for Payment

Income.                           CIL Funding.                                         £10,448.45

                                    Burial Fees – Transfer of Plot  -                      £50.00


Expenditure:-               WLDC                                      -            £     100.00

                           SES Business Water                -                    £         6.12

Green Grass Contracting         -                     £     150.00

Lincolnshire Landscapes         -                      £     720.00

                           Zurich Insurance                      -                     £     308.18

Cassells Limited                      -                     £     108.00

A Harrison                               -                     £     631.63                              

Resolved: All Invoices be passed for payment.


30.  Annual Return for the year ended 31st March 24

        a).  Execute review of effectiveness of internal audit

Resolved:  Internal auditor’s report approved by the Council.  

b).  Execute Annual Governance Statement

It was proposed, seconded and resolved

  •   Annual Governance Statement executed.

c)   To approve Statement of Accounts

It was proposed, seconded and resolved

  •   Council approved Statement of Accounts and Chair and RFO signed documentation.


31.  To appoint Internal Auditor for 2024-25 Financial Year

Resolved:  Cassells be appointed as Internal Auditor for 2024-25 financial year.


32.  Reports from meetings: None.


33.  To Discuss CIL Funding

The Council decided to review options and discuss again at next meeting 

Proposed by Cllr Stamp and Seconded by Cllr Pattison and

Resolved:  that this be added to the next agenda


34.  Items for next meeting:

  • Discuss options for use of CIL Monies
  • Discuss and Resolve on balances of bank accounts 



There being no other business the meeting closed at 8:30pm.